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Help needed for a 6-men TB position

PostPosted: 09 Apr 2006, 18:36
by Sven Schüle

has anyone access to a KQPKQP tablebase? I would like to know if the following position is really a draw, or if black can win.

[diag]8/8/8/6K1/p2Q3P/8/8/2q4k w - - 0 1[/diag]
8/8/8/6K1/p2Q3P/8/8/2q4k w - - 0 1

If no tablebase is available, a top-engine analysis would also help but I'm afraid it might be too difficult because if there is a win for black then I feel that it may be possible only with quite long travelling of the black king around the board.

Probably it's a draw, but who knows ...

Thanks for your help in advance,

Edit: I know it's slightly OT here, sorry for that, because it's not directly WinBoard related. Nevertheless I hope that someone can give help :D

Re: Help needed for a 6-men TB position

PostPosted: 13 Apr 2006, 21:05
by Tony West
Here is what my 6 man TBs say:

New game, Blitz:3'
8/8/8/6K1/p2Q3P/8/8/2q4k w - - 0 1

Analysis by Fritz 9:

1. = (0.00): 1.Kg5-f5
2. = (0.00): 1.Kg5-f6
3. = (0.00): 1.Kg5-h5
4. -+ (-#19): 1.Kg5-g6
5. -+ (-#16): 1.Kg5-g4
6. -+ (-#15): 1.Qd4-f4
7. -+ (-#7): 1.Qd4-e3
8. -+ (-#7): 1.Qd4-d2

(, 13.04.2006)

Re: Help needed for a 6-men TB position

PostPosted: 17 Apr 2006, 23:12
by Sven Schüle
Hi Tony,

thanks for your effort! So it seems to be as I expected, the obvious moves save the draw.

(The position was from a private test game of my engine, and the tested version blundered a few plies later by allowing exchange of queens, but I wanted to find out whether the position was already lost or not.)
