Finally, here it is folks. This is pretty much the version that played in the WCRCC, with the addition of native Windows code for SMP compatibility (generously contributed by Teemu Pudas). There are still some weird issues with SMP: only with 2 processors its stable, and even then some searches the child processor won't search. It also still eats up processor time when idle in SMP mode, so either play with ponder off, or just have some extra processors. I just haven't really had the time to fix these problems, but I figure it's better to get something out that kind of works than nothing at all. ZCT does now have a user-adjustable path for EGBBs though.
This release includes Jim Ablett-compiled Windows executables for 32 and 64 bit, SMP and non. There is also an opening book by Dr. Wael Deeb. ... _id=226014
There is also a new ZCT mailing list, for release announcements, code improvement discussions, bug reports, chatting, etc. You can sign up here:
A big thanks to Teemu Pudas, Fonzy Bluemers, and Jim Ablett for all kinds of help, Wael Deeb for the book, Patrick Buchmann, Graham Banks, and Aart Bik for running tournaments with ZCT, and everyone else that uses ZCT. I hope you enjoy this latest offering.