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On-line engine blitz tourney

PostPosted: 28 Jan 2009, 10:04
by H.G.Muller
I already posted this on CCC, but so far with very few reactions, so I now post it in this forum as well.

Some of us (Tord, Pedro, Miguel and I) would like to play in a blitz tourney (e.g. 5+1 games) that I could organize. If this works satisfactory, we could make it a monthly event. (Or we could alternate 5-min and 10-min tourneys, or even do bullet some times.)

Is there any interest amongst engine authors or testers to participate in this? Only thing you need is a computer with an internet conection, and an engine! I will provide the server, and accounts on it for all participants. The four of us is a bit few to make an interesting tourney, even if we would all show up with 2 engines...

The date and time are still negociable; I was thinking on the first Saturday of the month (i.e. Feb 6), 3 pm EST, so that it is 9 pm in Europe and noon in California.