I already had to make a bugfix: not all UCCI engines want the time in msec, like Elephant Eye. Some expect it in sec, and they really think long when you give it to them in msec!

It seems there is no default for this in UCCI: for some engines the default is msec, for others it is sec. There are engines that only accept seconds. Others have an "option use millisec type check default true", but when you try to set it, do not react to it. (Well, may be my fault, as I might have guessed an invalid comamnd to set it.) Still other engines tell you they have the option in a non-compliant format (leaving out the "type check", or send the options after sending "ucciok" (when the adapter no longer looks for them).
What a stupid protocol!
As a bonus the bugfixed UCCI2WB now also passes on the PV info. (Download from same link as before.)
Anyway, I downloaded a lot of UCCI engines from
http://www.elephantbase.net, and tried them out. Indeed, at this point, each engine needs a copy of UCCI2WB.EXE in its folder (all identical, so a waste of space), and an UCCI2WB.INI (tailored for them). In the future I might allow passing of a filename as argument to UCCI2WB, to be able to do with a single copy of it. When you put all UCCI engines in subdirectories of the WinBoard folder, you can conveniently install one of them (say ufx, because it has a short name) in the winboard.ini as
ucci2wb -variant=xiangqi -fd=ufx
and for the second engine
ucci2wb -variant=xiangqi -sd=ufx
both as first item in their list. When you want to run an UCCI engine you then only have to overwrite the final "ufx" of the line that appears by default in the startup dialog of WinBoard by the folder where that engine is, that's all!
My results with the engines I tested were:
- Code: Select all
engine result
3DChess OK
Anita OK
Binghewusi OK
BitStronger seems to ignore clock, is ~2x too slow at 40/1
Blcx OK
Coony OK
EyChesU Does get stuck after some moves
Hice OK
Jiaolong OK
Jupiter OK
King first moves fast, then very slow, forfeits in second session without moving
Kou OK
Lily Seems to use no CPU time (swapping?)
Mars completely dead at UCCI level
mrsd is the Ki11egg Qianghong plugin with QH2UCCI adapter
NymphChess OK
QStar seems to ignore clock, is ~2x too slow at 40/1 (does not print PV)
Sixteener Seems to move instantly (no PV)
Swallow OK
XQ Cyclone OK
XQ Spirit OK
Yssy OK
I guess some of the engines are buggy.