My Tourney
Posted: 02 Apr 2012, 14:43
I have been running this tourney for a few days now. My original purpose was to get a ELO ratings list that could give me an idea on how strong was each engine within my computer. As I see it progressing, it will take months and I'm uncertain on how effective would this be because I'm running a 40/5 round robin. Five seconds for each game is hardly how I'll end up using any of those engines, so I think what I'm doing is pointless. Any idea on how to better accomplish this?
I want to comment on a difficulty I have found on getting the ratings. When I rate the engines (by using bayeselo.exe), I get a list of 50+ engines and I'm only running 33. Winboard is not being consistent on how to name each engine on the tourney_result.pgn file and this could be proven to be confusing. As an example, I am running Rybka 2.2.2 and Rybka 2.3.2a as competitors. Some games are being recorded with just "Rybka" as the name of one opponent. Fortunately, was easy for me determine which one it was, but I can easily imagine this to become unmanagable as more different versions of the same engine are added. Could you imagine a tourney of different versions of Crafty (for example) in which half the names within the pgn are just "Crafty"? The example is extreme, but it illustrates just how unmanagable that pgn would be. Fixing the names can become a time consuming task if it is doable at all. It would be much better for winboard to use the name used to name each engine within the tourney file's participants list. That would make the resulting pgn consistent.
I want to comment on a difficulty I have found on getting the ratings. When I rate the engines (by using bayeselo.exe), I get a list of 50+ engines and I'm only running 33. Winboard is not being consistent on how to name each engine on the tourney_result.pgn file and this could be proven to be confusing. As an example, I am running Rybka 2.2.2 and Rybka 2.3.2a as competitors. Some games are being recorded with just "Rybka" as the name of one opponent. Fortunately, was easy for me determine which one it was, but I can easily imagine this to become unmanagable as more different versions of the same engine are added. Could you imagine a tourney of different versions of Crafty (for example) in which half the names within the pgn are just "Crafty"? The example is extreme, but it illustrates just how unmanagable that pgn would be. Fixing the names can become a time consuming task if it is doable at all. It would be much better for winboard to use the name used to name each engine within the tourney file's participants list. That would make the resulting pgn consistent.