by H.G.Muller » 30 Nov 2019, 11:29
'nocastle' is a variant playable on, and there it is indeed a shuffle variant that doesn not respect Rook or King location. The local version mimics that. In principle you can select the start position of shuffle variants from the New Shuffle Game menu dialog, but you would have to know the number of the FIDE position for that.
Now 'nocastle' (like many ICS 'variants') is not really a variant, it is just normal Chess starting from a non-standard positition. The reason it was originally implemented in WinBoard as a separate variant was that WinBoard in the old days did not keep track of castling rights even in normal Chess. So the only way to make it reject castling as an illegal move was to define a new variant where castling was never possible.
For what you want you could simply play normal Chess, but first paste a position without castling rights as a FEN, and start playing from there:
rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w - - 0 1