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LOGO in winboard 4.8.0 ?

PostPosted: 03 Dec 2019, 00:56
by Blackdemon
How can i associate the proper logo with a specific Engine in winboard 4.8.0.?

Re: LOGO in winboard 4.8.0 ?

PostPosted: 03 Dec 2019, 09:20
by H.G.Muller
Just put a file called logo.bmp in the same folder as the engine's .exe file, and make shure the -autoLogo option is switched on (which it should be by default). Without -autoLogo, or when youwwant to overrule it, you can put -firstLogo <IMAGE_FILE> on the engine's line in the engine list (e.g. through the Edit Engine List menu item).

The file must be a Windows bitmap (.bmp).