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How can I install the UCI engine for variant chess?

PostPosted: 26 Aug 2020, 09:51
by janggi-korea
I am a winboard janggi (korean chess) user. Only the Fairy Stockfish engine in the world can play Korean janggi.

Stockfish engine is an engine that supports UCI. However, when playing Janggi, I can only use the CECP protocol. So I can't use the fonder function. I have already tried various things as well as the -fUC command but couldn't succeed.

So I want to get your help.

1. How can I use UCI for variant chess?

Others, there are various bugs, but let you know the above topic first.
I used the latest version of winboard-AA.

Korean Janggi is very popular in Korea, but it is still unknown to the world.
I want to discuss a lot about Korean janggi with you.

I can understand all the functions of Winboard and have translated it. However, I couldn't find answers to some of the problems because I don't understand the programming language.

Re: How can I install the UCI engine for variant chess?

PostPosted: 27 Aug 2020, 18:49
by H.G.Muller
With 'fonder' you mean 'ponder'? If pondering doesn't work when Stockfish is running in CECP mode, this is a Stockfisch problem.

To run an engine in UCI mode you should set the protocol combobox in the Load Engine menu dialog to 'UCI' when you register the engine. Then WinBoard would automatically invoke the UCI2WB adapter (which in the WinBoard-AA package is used both for Chess and for variants).

Janggi is not a standard variant, however, and I don't know how Fairy-Stockfish communicates the rules of the variant to the GUI in UCI mode (if it does that at all). It should in principle be possible to play Jangqgi in WinBoard as variant Xiangqi with legality testing off, though. But I think Fairy-Stockfish is a multi-variant engine, so you have to switch it to the desired variant through the UCI_Variant option. I suppose 'jianggi' will be one of the settings for that, which would mean that it would show up in WinBoard's New Variant dialog as engine-defined variant. Whether Fairy-Stockfish does enough in UCI mode to select it without problems I don't know, however.

Re: How can I install the UCI engine for variant chess?

PostPosted: 28 Aug 2020, 02:48
by janggi-korea
Yes, i means ponder.
I installed the engine through the Load Engine command. But ponder didn't work. Because.. i think.. winboard doesn't support janggi, by default the engine runs with a similar xiangqi variant. So the UCI_Variant=janggi option also doesn't work. I think, if this is an engine command problem anyway, I have to wait for the engine developer to fix the engine.
Can you help engine developers?
I think the development direction of variant chess and winboard is very similar. However, since it is different from normal chess, I think we need information from each other.
Of course, the best way is to develop and add Korean janggi rules as a new variant to Winboard. There is currently no GUI fully compatible with janggi.