Hi Juan,
Older versions of Crafty use slightly different compile switches.
Here are the command lines I use + the few modifications to files you have to make for
version 20.14 to get it to compile with Intel compiler. This should also work with MSVC++, just replace '
icl' with '
cl' and remove specific Intel
'/Q' commands.
Drop all your Crafty files into >
Program Files\Intel\Compiler\C++\9.1\IA32\Bin
then open a command prompt in bin directory .
First a few lines you have to add/change >
add '
#define inline __inline' to '
add '
typedef unsigned long DWORD_PTR;' to '
comment out '
dgt.c' from '
Type in command prompt window >
For single cpu/smp version
- Code: Select all
icl -o crafty.exe crafty.c egtb.cpp /DNT_i386 /DWIN32 /DCPUS=2 /DSMP /G7 /Ox /Qipo /QxK /MT /Qparallel
For single cpu only- Code: Select all
icl -o crafty.exe crafty.c egtb.cpp /DNT_i386 /DWIN32 /G7 /Ox /Qipo /QxK /MT /Qparallel
To compile PGO's add '
/Qprof_gen' to command line, compile it, run it from the '
bin' directory - run the Crafty '
bench' command and also play a few games. This will generate the necessary 'profile'.
Now compile again but replace '
/Qprof_gen' with '/
This will produce a 'profile guided optimized' binary.
Hope this gets you started.