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Twisted Logic 20070602 released!!!

PostPosted: 03 Jun 2007, 10:01
by Edsel Apostol
Hi everyone,

Its time for me to say goodbye to my old engine and say hello to a new one. This is the first official release of my engine that I've been developing for around two months now. Behold Twisted Logic 20070602!

I had been planning this to be released on my 23rd birthday 3 days ago but then I'm too busy. I have just graduated from Computer Engineering last April and I will be working as a College Instructor starting the first Monday of June, that would be tomorrow. Good luck to my teaching stint!

The strenght is somewhere around 2600 relative to the CCRL rating list, but I'm not sure of this. Note that Rybka is somewhere around 3000+.

My first released engine (Twisted Logic 0.001) around two years ago is only rated at 1600. This means that I improved by around 1000 elo points by rewriting my engine from scratch with two years of computer chess programming experience. This also means that after two years again, after I rewrite my engine again, it would be rated 3600 already, enough to surpass Rybka, unless it will be improved greatly at that time. Hehehe. Just kidding. :)

Anyways, I will try to improve it further. I have just implemented what are the standard algorithms nowadays but I will try to invent my own. I know there is still a lot of room for improvement here. I have lots of ideas but I can't find time to implement it. I'm too busy with work now, and I'm a little bit pressured because of the fact that one of my girlfriend is already 4 months pregnant. :?

I'm too out of topic already. Just send me any feedback through e-mail. I need feedback like: the engine plays too agressive, or it moves its pawn a lot, or it values mobility too much, and not like: it plays weaker than Rybka or that it loses too much against commercial programs, etc.

Enjoy testing and playing! 8-)

Edsel Apostol