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jose Chess Database 1.3.4

PostPosted: 20 Nov 2004, 18:05
by Peter Schäfer
A new release of jose Chess Database
is available for download from

Most notable improvements include

* styled text in comments
* there's an option for TeX output
* lots of small improvements in database code
and engine integration (compliance with UCI 2).

As usual, there are downloads for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
Existing installations can upgrade through the Help menu.

Have Fun,


Es gibt eine neue Version von jose auf

Neben zahlreichen kleineren Verbesserungen gibt es neue Optionen f?r
* formatierte Kommentare (fett,kursiv,etc.)
* TeX-Ausgabe

jose l?uft auf Windows, Linux und Mac OS X.
Bestehende Installationen k?nnen im Hilfe-Menu upgraden.

Viel Spa?,

Re: jose Chess Database 1.3.4

PostPosted: 20 Nov 2004, 18:30
by Volker Pittlik
Peter Sch?fer wrote:A new release of jose Chess Database
is available for download from


Great news Peter! I'm going to test your program (amoung others) within the next days.

