Winman commands

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Moderator: Andres Valverde

Winman commands

Postby Pablo » 12 Jun 2007, 16:52

For whom may know.
1)Where in the Winman window I must write the command for the winboard debug file (/debug), when playing with any winboard engine?.
2) Where in the Winman window I must write the Winboard clock commands to select a Winboard incremental clock [Example: "/tc 10 /inc 10" (Game in 10 min with 10 secs of increment per move)] or a Winboard conventional clock [Example:"/tc 10 /mps 40 /inc -1" (40 moves in 10 mins)].
3) At last, is correct to indicate at Winman boxes, the slashes of the above mentioned commands
In advance many thanks for your help,
Pablo Urzua
Posts: 242
Joined: 26 Sep 2004, 21:57
Location: Santiago-Chile

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