Winman commands
Posted: 12 Jun 2007, 16:52
For whom may know.
1)Where in the Winman window I must write the command for the winboard debug file (/debug), when playing with any winboard engine?.
2) Where in the Winman window I must write the Winboard clock commands to select a Winboard incremental clock [Example: "/tc 10 /inc 10" (Game in 10 min with 10 secs of increment per move)] or a Winboard conventional clock [Example:"/tc 10 /mps 40 /inc -1" (40 moves in 10 mins)].
3) At last, is correct to indicate at Winman boxes, the slashes of the above mentioned commands
In advance many thanks for your help,
Pablo Urzua
For whom may know.
1)Where in the Winman window I must write the command for the winboard debug file (/debug), when playing with any winboard engine?.
2) Where in the Winman window I must write the Winboard clock commands to select a Winboard incremental clock [Example: "/tc 10 /inc 10" (Game in 10 min with 10 secs of increment per move)] or a Winboard conventional clock [Example:"/tc 10 /mps 40 /inc -1" (40 moves in 10 mins)].
3) At last, is correct to indicate at Winman boxes, the slashes of the above mentioned commands
In advance many thanks for your help,
Pablo Urzua