Odd Gunnar Malin wrote:David Dahlem wrote:Thanks. I just checked your detail page, and noticed that "xboard" is needed on the commandline. I previously checked version 5.1 and "xboard" was not needed with that version. And there is almost no documentation included with Gandalf 6.
Works fine for me now.
Start/Program/Gandalf 6/Gandalf 6.0 Readme
Thanks. This readme is in the ChessPartner folder, not the Gandalf engine folder, that's why i overlooked it. In the Gandalf folder, there is only a small Gandalf help file, with only this basic info:
Hashtable size
The amount of memory that Gandalf will use for its hashtables.
The higher the value (within your PCs limit) the higher the playing strength.
In order to use the 200 MB hash setting, you MUST have at least 384 MB of Memory.
The score of a position that is a draw. Default 0.00. When playing a weaker opponent you might want to lower this value to e.g. -0.50 to make Gandalf try to avoid a draw if the score of the position is only slightly below 0.00
Endgame Tablebase Path
The path to your Nalimov endgame database files (*.emd).
You should insert the path to where you have these files installed.
Clear Learning
When checked, Gandalf will reset whats previously learned.
Normal : Optimized for normal
Gambit : A little more relaxed approach to Material