Mscp 1.5e (unofficial) update available
Posted: 07 Dec 2004, 07:34
This program is an unofficial enhancement of the original Mscp 1.4 source code by Marcel van Kervinck,
distributed with his kind permission. These enhancements may or may not find their way into the official
Mscp at a later stage.
1. Adjustments made to search routines, now searching deeper.
2. Increased resign threshold value from three -900 to four consecutive -1400.
(Mscp was resigning a little too early for my liking)
3. Small changes to knight/bishop/pawn endgame evaluation.
4. Time control and draw command adjustments.
5. Executable size only 21kb!
Available from my homepage >
distributed with his kind permission. These enhancements may or may not find their way into the official
Mscp at a later stage.
1. Adjustments made to search routines, now searching deeper.
2. Increased resign threshold value from three -900 to four consecutive -1400.
(Mscp was resigning a little too early for my liking)
3. Small changes to knight/bishop/pawn endgame evaluation.
4. Time control and draw command adjustments.
5. Executable size only 21kb!
Available from my homepage >