WinBoard protocol driver
Posted: 30 Apr 2011, 21:45
The thread with lessons still is at a disappointing "0 replies". Let me donate some code for a model WinBoard protocol driver.
People that want to convert their engine to a WinBoard engine are free to draw inspiration from it, or even use it verbatim.
People that want to convert their engine to a WinBoard engine are free to draw inspiration from it, or even use it verbatim.
- Code: Select all
/* Example of a WinBoard-protocol driver, by H.G.Muller */
#include <stdio.h>
// four different constants, with values for WHITE and BLACK that suit your engine
#define WHITE 1
#define BLACK 2
#define NONE 0
#define ANALYZE 3
// some value that cannot occur as a valid move
#define INVALID 666
// some parameter of your engine
#define MAXMOVES 500 /* maximum game length */
#define MAXPLY 60 /* maximum search depth */
#define OFF 0
#define ON 1
#define DEFAULT_FEN "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1"
typedef int MOVE; // in this example moves are encoded as an int
int moveNr; // part of game state; incremented by MakeMove
MOVE gameMove[MAXMOVES]; // holds the game history
// Some routines your engine should have to do the various essential things
int MakeMove(int stm, MOVE move); // performs move, and returns new side to move
void UnMake(MOVE move); // unmakes the move;
int Setup(char *fen); // sets up the position from the given FEN, and returns the new side to move
void SetMemorySize(int n); // if n is different from last time, resize all tables to make memory usage below n MB
char *MoveToText(MOVE move); // converts the move from your internal format to text like e2e2, e1g1, a7a8q.
MOVE ParseMove(char *moveText); // converts a long-algebraic text move to your internal move format
int SearchBestMove(int stm, int timeLeft, int mps, int timeControl, int inc, int timePerMove, MOVE *move, MOVE *ponderMove);
void PonderUntilInput(int stm); // Search current position for stm, deepening forever until there is input.
// Some global variables that control your engine's behavior
int ponder;
int randomize;
int postThinking;
int resign; // engine-defined option
int contemptFactor; // likewise
int TakeBack(int n)
{ // reset the game and then replay it to the desired point
int last, stm;
stm = Setup(NULL);
last = moveNr - n; if(last < 0) last = 0;
for(moveNr=0; moveNr<last; moveNr++) stm = MakeMove(stm, gameMove[moveNr]);
return stm;
void PrintResult(int stm, int score)
if(score == 0) printf("1/2-1/2\n");
if(score > 0 && stm == WHITE || score < 0 && stm == BLACK) printf("1-0\n");
else printf("0-1\n");
int main()
int stm; // side to move
int engineSide=NONE; // side played by engine
int timeLeft; // timeleft on engine's clock
int mps, timeControl, inc, timePerMove; // time-control parameters, to be used by Search
int maxDepth; // used by search
MOVE move, ponderMove;
int i, score;
char inBuf[80], command[80];
while(1) { // infinite loop
fflush(stdout); // make sure everything is printed before we do something that might take time
if(stm == engineSide) { // if it is the engine's turn to move, set it thinking, and let it move
score = SearchBestMove(stm, timeLeft, mps, timeControl, inc, timePerMove, &move, &ponderMove);
if(move == INVALID) { // game apparently ended
engineSide = NONE; // so stop playing
PrintResult(stm, score);
} else {
stm = MakeMove(stm, move); // assumes MakeMove returns new side to move
gameMove[moveNr++] = move; // remember game
printf("move %s\n", MoveToText(move));
fflush(stdout); // make sure everything is printed before we do something that might take time
// now it is not our turn (anymore)
if(engineSide == ANALYZE) { // in analysis, we always ponder the position
} else
if(engineSide != NONE && ponder == ON && moveNr != 0) { // ponder while waiting for input
if(ponderMove == INVALID) { // if we have no move to ponder on, ponder the position
} else {
int newStm = MakeMove(stm, ponderMove);
// wait for input, and read it until we have collected a complete line
for(i = 0; (inBuf[i] = getchar()) != '\n'; i++);
inBuf[i+1] = 0;
// extract the first word
sscanf(inBuf, "%s", command);
// recognize the command,and execute it
if(!strcmp(command, "quit")) { break; } // breaks out of infinite loop
if(!strcmp(command, "force")) { engineSide = NONE; continue; }
if(!strcmp(command, "analyze")) { engineSide = ANALYZE; continue; }
if(!strcmp(command, "exit")) { engineSide = NONE; continue; }
if(!strcmp(command, "otim")) { goto noPonder; } // do not start pondering after receiving time commands, as move will follow immediately
if(!strcmp(command, "time")) { sscanf(inBuf, "time %d", &timeLeft); goto noPonder; }
if(!strcmp(command, "level")) {
int min, sec=0;
sscanf(inBuf, "level %d %d %d", &mps, &min, &inc) == 3 || // if this does not work, it must be min:sec format
sscanf(inBuf, "level %d %d:%d %d", &mps, &min, &sec, &inc);
timeControl = 60*min + sec; timePerMove = -1;
if(!strcmp(command, "protover")){
printf("feature ping=1 setboard=1 colors=0 usermove=1 memory=1 debug=1");
printf("feature option=\"Resign -check 0\""); // example of an engine-defined option
printf("feature option=\"Contempt -spin 0 -200 200\""); // and another one
printf("feature done=1");
if(!strcmp(command, "option")) { // setting of engine-define option; find out which
if(sscanf(inBuf+7, "Resign=%d", &resign) == 1) continue;
if(sscanf(inBuf+7, "Contempt=%d", &contemptFactor) == 1) continue;
if(!strcmp(command, "sd")) { sscanf(inBuf, "sd %d", &maxDepth); continue; }
if(!strcmp(command, "st")) { sscanf(inBuf, "st %d", &timePerMove); continue; }
if(!strcmp(command, "memory")) { SetMemorySize(atoi(inBuf+7)); continue; }
if(!strcmp(command, "ping")) { printf("pong%s", inBuf+4); continue; }
// if(!strcmp(command, "")) { sscanf(inBuf, " %d", &); continue; }
if(!strcmp(command, "new")) { engineSide = BLACK; stm = Setup(DEFAULT_FEN); maxDepth = MAXPLY; randomize = OFF; continue; }
if(!strcmp(command, "setboard")){ engineSide = NONE; stm = Setup(inBuf+9); continue; }
if(!strcmp(command, "easy")) { ponder = OFF; continue; }
if(!strcmp(command, "hard")) { ponder = ON; continue; }
if(!strcmp(command, "undo")) { stm = TakeBack(1); continue; }
if(!strcmp(command, "remove")) { stm = TakeBack(2); continue; }
if(!strcmp(command, "go")) { engineSide = stm; continue; }
if(!strcmp(command, "post")) { postThinking = ON; continue; }
if(!strcmp(command, "nopost")) { postThinking = OFF;continue; }
if(!strcmp(command, "random")) { randomize = ON; continue; }
if(!strcmp(command, "hint")) { if(ponderMove != INVALID) printf("Hint: %s\n", MoveToText(ponderMove)); continue; }
if(!strcmp(command, "book")) { continue; }
// ignored commands:
if(!strcmp(command, "xboard")) { continue; }
if(!strcmp(command, "computer")){ continue; }
if(!strcmp(command, "name")) { continue; }
if(!strcmp(command, "ics")) { continue; }
if(!strcmp(command, "accepted")){ continue; }
if(!strcmp(command, "rejected")){ continue; }
if(!strcmp(command, "variant")) { continue; }
if(!strcmp(command, "")) { continue; }
if(!strcmp(command, "usermove")){
int move = ParseMove(inBuf+9);
if(move == INVALID) printf("Illegal move\n");
else {
stm = MakeMove(stm, move);
ponderMove = INVALID;
gameMove[moveNr++] = move; // remember game
printf("Error: unknown command\n");
return 0;