It is known that the need for extensions decreases with increase in speed. It seems that nowadays it is better to use very few extensions like the check + some rarely triggered extensions at pv nodes. I guess the idea behind this is to rely on the mistakes of the opponent rather than taking the initiative and attack. Most games are usually won in the endgame where it escalates due to huge search depth, but poor (some might say solid) performance in the middle game where it has no initiative to attack.
I tested a version of scorpio using
-the check extension
-all captures extended with full ply at pv nodes.
-Re-capture is not done. This one seems the most likely candidate to get rid off.
-single reply extension is not done
-Others like mate threat , passed pawn pushes are not really extended but reductions are avoided there. I believe this is a form of another extension.
This version scored as good as (less wins but more draws) the other versions with more extensions. The test is done at 40/5 and I expect it to be better at longer time controls. So my question is have you reached a point where you can use the check extension and a few other's triggered only at pv nodes?
Or is it just that both methods should work equally and the decision should be left to style. In other words do you prefer the flair of Brazil or catenacio Italy?
