supporting "time" control of x nodes for y moves

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supporting "time" control of x nodes for y moves

Postby Uri Blass » 19 Oct 2005, 09:51

I think that if programs support "time" control of x nodes for y moves then it may be productive for testing.

One of the problem in testing is that sometimes hardware can be slowed down by a significant factor and even without that problem results of games at fast time control may not be reproducable even if we play nunn match.

If programs support time control of x nodes for y moves or
x nodes per game+y node per move then it may solve the problem.

of course it is not fair to give 2 programs to search the same number of nodes if the target is to find which program is better but it is possible to find average number of nodes that a program searches.

The idea is that if program A search 900,000 nodes per second when program B searches 500,000 nodes per second then you can ask program A to search 900,000,000 nodes for 40 moves and ask program B to search 500,000,000 nodes for 40 moves.

Winboard does not need to support that time control and it can use very long time control when the programs will know x and y by special parameters that they get from ini files(program A may get 900,000,000 40 when program B may get 500,000,000 and 40).

The main question is if programmers are interested in supporting the time control of x nodes for y moves or x nodes per game+y nodes per move.

I am interested in doing it only if enough programmers are interested in it.

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Uri Blass
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