I've always found working on the Search-related functions to be quite challenging. It can be hard to visualise the affect your code is going to have - a bit like "poking around in the dark" at times. Also, the terminology is somewhat confusing to begin with: "cut-off" is different to a "cut-node", but is the same as a fail-high etc...
In an attempt to make things easier for myself, from both understanding and debugging point-of-view, I created a Move Analysis window in the SharpChess GUI, which you can see below. It's probably easier to read on the URL below, which also has direct links to http://chessprogramming.wikispaces.com/.
It has been most useful to be able to actually see the move ordering assignments, as well as the extension and reduction points. Also it gives a good idea as what's happening (or not) with the branching factor.
# *PV* - Principal Variation (PV) Node score inside the Alpha-Beta window.(Type 1)
# (CUT) - Cut (fail-high) Node fail-high node where a child node cause a beta-cutoff. (Type 2)
# (ALL) - All (fail-low) Node fail-low node in which no move's score exceeded alpha. (Type 3)
# (Q:CUT) - Beta cutoff in Quiescence.
# (Q:PAT-CUT) - Stand-pat beta cutoff in Quiescence.
# -PVS-WIN- - Principal Variation Search successful using zero window.
# -F- Principal Variation Search failed. Perform re-search using full window.
# E-1REP - One Reply Extension
# E-CHK - Check Evation Extension
# E-RECAP - Recapture Extension
# E-PAWN7 - Passed Pawn Extension
# R-FUT3 - Futility Pruning where Depth=2 and LazyEval + Margin = Knight.
# R-FUT5 - Extended Futility Pruning where Depth=3 and LazyEval + Margin = Rook.
# R-FUT9 - Deep Futility Pruning where Depth=4 and LazyEval + Margin = Queen.
# O-HASH - Best move from Transposition table.
# O-PROM - A pawn promotion.
# O-SEE - Move order value of winning (or losing) capture using Static Exchange Evaluation (SEE).
# O-MVV - Where SEE is even, move order value of MVV-LVA (Most Valuable Victim - Least Valuable Aggressor).
# O-KILL(A|B) - Killer Move from slot A or B.
# O-HIST - Move order value from History Heuristic.
# O-SV - Move order value from Piece-Square Value tables.