Template in C o C++ to start an engine development..

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Template in C o C++ to start an engine development..

Postby pimidrez2 » 27 Nov 2018, 21:48

Hi everyone, im looking for a source code template that came with the uci/winboard protocol already implemented and can play a minimal level.. so i can start improve the move generation, evaluation , etc.
It has to be fully free and not a gpl license where i should release the source code at the end of the project.

Can somebody link me to a repository like this?
Is there something like that here in the forum?
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Joined: 27 Nov 2018, 20:45

Re: Template in C o C++ to start an engine development..

Postby H.G.Muller » 28 Nov 2018, 15:39

At http://hgm.nubati.net/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi you can find several WB engines that are public domain. Of this HaChu has the most general protocol driver, which also supports pondering. (CrazyWa and Simple cannot ponder.)
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Re: Template in C o C++ to start an engine development..

Postby pimidrez2 » 29 Nov 2018, 14:14

Thanks, i will try 'simple' wich compiler / editor /gui do you use or thinks is better for this and debuging?
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