In our project "chess960athome" we are now able to create the first test units.
As the result from a work unit we 'll get the uci protocol output from a engine.
We are using a strong free chess960 engine (Glaurung) but we are able to use each uci engine later in the project.
The problem is the following:
We need help to "translate" the uci engine output into the pgn move format because we want to publish the pgn's in the database later.
We need a program to generate the moves in pgn format from the uci output file of the engine.
I believe such parts of code are in each GUI and/or engine.
We are not familar with engine / GUI programming therefore I ask here.
The project focus is not to generate a new engine or improving of existing engines, we only want to use the engines.
If u are able and willing to help please contact me (joerg.nowak at for details. We can only pay a small amount for your efforts because it is a non commercial project.