'magic' refers to a particular kind of table lookup, where all bits in a long (usually 64-bit) word that are relevant for the quantity to be looked up (e.g. the bits giving the occupancy state of a certain ray on a bitboard, for looking up to where a sider can move along this ray, represented as a bitboard of target squares) are collected by a single multiplication.
So usually it goes like this:
- Code: Select all
u64 a; /* bitboard containing scatterered relevant bits */
int index;
index = MAGIC_MULTIPLIER * a >> 52; /* leaves 12 bits */
result = Table[index];
That's really all. Usually the bits one wants to collect depend on the square on which a piece for which moves are calculated is positioned. Each square then needs its own MAGIC_MULTIPLIER, so there will be tables of multipliers indexed by square number, and berhaps also tables of result tables, as