Dieter B?r?ner wrote:>Here is some statistics for
>I am not going to repeat the process for other tablebases because every
>5 piece tablebases takes hours.
Which process? Just to generate the statistics? If it took hours, your program is very inefficient. My program just generated kqrkq in 20 minutes. This included a final scan through all postions to generate the statistics. Statistics alone should not take more than a couple of minutes.
20 minutes mean 1200 seconds for almost 2^30 positions.
It means that your program probe almost 10^6 nodes per second.
I wonder if you check all relevant conditions for general fen or you have special function for the nalimov tablebases.
There are many conditions that you do not need to check when you do a loop in the nalimov tablebases like checking that you do not have 2 white kings or checking that you do not have 8 pawns and 3 knights(I calculate the number of promoted pieces and pawna and return error in case that the number of pawns and pronmoted pieces are at least 9(for example 3 white queens 3 white knights and 6 white pawns)
I wonder if you initialize some information of variables like
numblackknights in your code or you save only part of the information and in case that you need it for analysis you are able to calculate the rest of it.