Daniel Shawul wrote:what if that killer move after the capture sequence ends is not a check?
i think that the point of recapture extensions is to avoid delaying capture/recapture sequences anywhere in the tree,not just at the tips.
if cap/recap is done near the root, just to delay something bad at the tips(by some quiescent move),the one without recapture extensions wouldn't see it even if it does search all captures and checks.
one may also say singel response extensions are not important if you do
long checking sequence in qsearch. i also do this extensions for the same reason i do recap extensions.
It's a matter of testing wich works best for you. Wether not extending and searching deeper overall outweights the missing of some quite killer moves.
I'm pretty sure it's different for every engine, and even needs to be re-tested after (big) search changes.
Single reply extensions are different imo, because they don't add so much nodes to the searchtree, so your overall searchdepth isn't much higher compared to not extending.