by diepeveen » 28 Jun 2005, 16:51
Oh well,
this is a 6 men so that already solves it, so it is not so relevant position.
i hope you realize how important that is.
But i turned off ALL egtb's, otherwise it is too easy to get from 0 ply and onwards a score indicating it will go mated.
Additional i run a debug version of diep single cpu which i use to debug eval and search always. So you can see also when it extends singular.
Remember this is a minimum of 20 fold slower than what plays at world champs 2005, and that at this position which you will never get at the chessboard in a computerchess game:
00:00 2558 998 0 (1) 4 (0,3) 7.187 Qh7-e7 Qg4-g5 (67) Qe7-e4 (67) Qg5-g4 (66) Qe4-e3 (66) Qg4-h3 (65) Qe3xh3 (64) Kh4-g5 (63)
00:00 8980 3682 0 (1) 5 (0,4) 7.187 Qh7-e7 Qg4-g5 (68) Qe7-e4 (68) Qg5-g4 (67) Qe4-e3 (67) Qg4-h3 (66) Qe3xh3 (65) Kh4-g5 (64)
00:00 28546 13417 0 (1) 6 (0,5) 7.187 Qh7-e7 Qg4-g5 (69)s Qe7-e4 (69) Qg5-g4 (68) Qe4-e3 (68) Qg4-h3 (67) Qe3xh3 (66) Kh4-g5 (65)
00:00 53600 30016 0 (1) 7 (0,6) 7.502 Qh7-e7 Qg4-g5 (70)s Qe7-e4 (70) Qg5-g4 (69)s Qe4-e3 (69) Qg4-h3 (68) Qe3xh3 (67) Kh4-g5 (66) Qh3-e3 (66) Kg5-f6 (65)
00:00 78916 56031 0 (1) 8 (0,7) 7.582 Qh7-e7 Qg4-g5 (71)s Qe7-e4 (71) Qg5-g4 (70)s Qe4-e3 (70) Qg4-f3 (69) Qe3xf3 (68) Kh4-g5 (67) Qf3-d5 (66) Kg5-h6 (65)
00:01 113230 120024 0 (1) 9 (0,8) 7.747 Qh7-e7 Qg4-g5 (72)s Qe7-e4 (72) Qg5-g4 (71)s Qe4-e3 (71) Qg4-f3 (70) Qe3xf3 (69) Kh4-g5 (68) Kh2-h3 (67) Kg5-h6 (66) Qf3-f4 (65) Kh6-g7 (64)
00:01 139780 273969 0 (1) 10 (0,9) 9.054 Qh7-e7 Qg4-g5 (73)s Qe7-e4 (73) Qg5-g4 (72)s Qe4-e3 (72) Qg4-f3 (71) Qe3xf3 (70) Kh4-g5 (69) Kh2-g3 (68) h5-h4 (67) Kg3-h3 (66) Kg5-h6 (67) Kh3xh4 (66) Kh6-g7 (65)
00:03 151827 601237 0 (1) 11 (0,10) 9.279 Qh7-e7 Qg4-g5 (74)s Qe7-e4 (74) Qg5-g4 (73)s Qe4-e3 (73) Qg4-f3 (72) Qe3xf3 (71) Kh4-g5 (70) Qf3-f8 (69) h5-h4 (68) Kh2-h3 (67) Kg5-h5 (66) Qf8-h8 (65) Kh5-g5 (64) Qh8-e5 (31) Kg5-h6 (65) Kh3xh4 (31)
00:07 159464 1269335 0 (1) 12 (0,11) 9.604 Qh7-e7 Qg4-g5 (75)s Qe7-e4 (75) Qg5-g4 (74)s Qe4-e3 (74) Qg4-f3 (73) Qe3xf3 (72) Kh4-g5 (71) Kh2-h3 (70) h5-h4 (69) Qf3-d5 (68) Kg5-h6 (67) Kh3xh4 (67) Kh6-h7 (66) Kh4-g5 (65)
00:17 174408 3094010 0 (1) 13 (0,12) 38.601 Qh7-e7 Qg4-g5 (76)s Qe7-e4 (76) Qg5-g4 (75)s Qe4-e3 (75) Qg4-f3 (74) Qe3xf3 (73) Kh4-g5 (72) Kh2-g3 (71) h5-h4 (70) Kg3-h3 (69) Kg5-h6 (70) Qf3-f6 (69) Kh6-h7 (68) Kh3xh4 (67) Kh7-g8 (67) Qf6xg6 (66) Kg8-f8 (65)
02:00 213453 25648518 0 (1) 14 (0,13) 40.151 Qh7-e7 Qg4-g5 (77)s Qe7-e4 (77) Qg5-g4 (76)s Qe4-e3 (76) Qg4-e2 (75) Qe3xe2 (74)s Kh4-g5 (74) Qe2-e5 (73) Kg5-h6 (72) Kh2-g3 (72) Kh6-h7 (71) Kg3-h4 (70) Kh7-g8 (69) Qe5-f6 (68) g6-g5 (67) Kh4xh5 (66) g5-g4 (66) Kh5xg4 (65)
So basically diep shows soon a > 25.xx score which means the position is mate in XXX, it just doesn't know how many moves till mate.
This without EGTBs turned on and at factor 20 slower conditions than world champs 2005 will have.
Note i do not extend mate, it doesn't try to find exactly mate in how much.
Just the right move matters.
Now let's compare it with a fullwidth search, the same debug version of diep. Please note in fullwidth search diep is doing LESS singular researches/extensions than when using nullmove.
00:00 175 7 0 (1) 1 (0,0) -2.935 Qh7-g8
++ h7-e7 procnr=0 terug=-2640 org=[-2935;-2934] newwindow=[-2935;520000]
00:00 766 46 0 (1) 1 (0,0) 0.000 Qh7-e7 Qg4-g5 (64) Qe7-b4 (31) Qg5-g4 (31) Qb4-e7 (31)
00:00 1200 72 0 (1) 2 (0,1) 0.000 Qh7-e7 Qg4-g5 (65) Qe7-b4 (31) Qg5-g4 (31) Qb4-e7 (31)
00:00 3283 197 0 (1) 3 (0,2) 0.000 Qh7-e7 Qg4-g5 (66) Qe7-b4 (66) Qg5-g4 (65) Qb4-e7 (31)
00:00 14766 886 0 (1) 4 (0,3) 7.187 Qh7-e7 Qg4-g5 (67) Qe7-e4 (67) Qg5-g4 (66) Qe4-e3 (66) Qg4-h3 (65) Qe3xh3 (64) Kh4-g5 (63)
00:00 34987 2799 0 (1) 5 (0,4) 7.187 Qh7-e7 Qg4-g5 (68) Qe7-e4 (68) Qg5-g4 (67) Qe4-e3 (67) Qg4-h3 (66) Qe3xh3 (65) Kh4-g5 (64)
00:00 71558 12165 0 (1) 6 (0,5) 7.582 Qh7-e7 Qg4-g5 (69)s Qe7-e4 (69)s Qg5-g4 (69)s Qe4-e3 (69)s Qg4-f3 (69) Qe3xf3 (68) Kh4-g5 (67) Qf3-d5 (66) Kg5-h6 (65)
00:00 103834 72684 0 (1) 7 (0,6) 7.857 Qh7-e7 Qg4-g5 (70)s Qe7-e4 (70)s Qg5-g4 (70)s Qe4-e3 (70)s Qg4-e2 (70) Qe3xe2 (69)s Kh4-g5 (69) Qe2-e6 (68) Kg5-h6 (68) Kh2-g3 (67) Kh6-g7 (66) Qe6-d7 (65) Kg7-h6 (64)
00:03 118724 433343 0 (1) 8 (0,7) 9.054 Qh7-e7 Qg4-g5 (71)s Qe7-e4 (71)s Qg5-g4 (71)s Qe4-e3 (71)s Qg4-e2 (71) Qe3xe2 (70)s Kh4-g5 (70) Qe2-f3 (70) h5-h4 (69) Kh2-h3 (68) Kg5-h6 (67) Kh3xh4 (66) Kh6-g7 (65)
00:20 126605 2640999 0 (1) 9 (0,8) 9.274 Qh7-e7 Qg4-g5 (72)s Qe7-e4 (72)s Qg5-g4 (72)s Qe4-e3 (72)s Qg4-g2 (72) Kh2xg2 (71) Kh4-g4 (70) Qe3-e4 (69) Kg4-g5 (69) Qe4-e5 (69) Kg5-g4 (69) Qe5-e6 (69) Kg4-g5 (68) Kg2-h3 (68) h5-h4 (68) Qe6-e5 (67) Kg5-h6 (66) Kh3xh4 (68) Kh6-h7 (67) Kh4-g5 (66) Kh7-g8 (65)
02:00 136728 16427871 0 (1) 10 (0,9) 9.284 Qh7-e7 Qg4-g5 (73)s Qe7-e4 (73)s Qg5-g4 (73)s Qe4-e3 (73)s Qg4-g2 (73) Kh2xg2 (72) Kh4-g4 (71) Qe3-e6 (70) Kg4-g5 (69) Kg2-h3 (69) h5-h4 (70) Qe6-e5 (69) Kg5-h6 (68) Kh3xh4 (68) Kh6-h7 (67) Kh4-g5 (66) Kh7-g8 (65)
07:55 134653 63980435 0 (1) 11 (0,10) 30.151 Qh7-e7 Qg4-g5 (74)s Qe7-e4 (74)s Qg5-g4 (74)s Qe4-e3 (74)s Qg4-g2 (74) Kh2xg2 (73) Kh4-g4 (72) Qe3-e6 (71) Kg4-g5 (70) Kg2-h3 (70) h5-h4 (71) Qe6-e7 (70) Kg5-f5 (69) Qe7-f7 (69) Kf5-g5 (68) Qf7-d5 (69) Kg5-f6 (69) Kh3xh4 (69) Kf6-g7 (68) Qd5-c6 (67) Kg7-f7 (66) Qc6-b7 (65) Kf7-f6 (65) Qb7-a8 (66) Kf6-f5 (67) Qa8-b7 (66) g6-g5 (67) Kh4-g3 (66) g5-g4 (66) Qb7-a8 (65)
See the advantage of double nullmove?
475 seconds versus 17