I have a question about perft. If a mate or draw (e.g. stalemate) occurs at depth D with D < MAX_DEPTH and I am calculating perft(MAX_DEPTH), does this leaf node count for the perft number or not? Note that I mean the real perft number, not the total number of nodes visited.
On http://homepages.caverock.net.nz/~peter/perft.htm, Peter McKenzie states:
If a checkmate or stalemate is reached before the specified depth is reached then of course that branch of the search tree will not reach the specified depth.
and later on:
The result of a perft search is the number of nodes reached at the specified depth.
I have the impression that such nodes do not count but I want to be sure. I have implemented perft for Surprise now, but my numbers are slightly different, and it seems to be related to mate positions.