copying evaluation of other programs
Posted: 02 May 2005, 17:14
I am considering to copy the mobility evaluation of Fruit (Of course I cannot copy the source code because I have a different data structure but I can copy the content).
I understood that Fruit evaluates mobility for every piece in the board except king and pawns.
I also understand that it evaluates in the following way:
1)count the number of pseudo legal possible moves of a piece(not considering pinned pieces)
2)reduce from it a constant
3)multiply the result by a constant.
(knightmoves-4*number of knights)*4+(bishopmoves-6*number of bishops)*5+(rooksmoves-7*number of rooks)*average_opening_end_game(2,4)+(queenmoves-13*number of queens)*
average_opening_end_game means that the number is average based on the stage of the game when the second number is for the endgame.
I wonder if somebody tried to replace his mobility evaluation by fruit's mobility and if he got positive results or negative results.
I also wonder how other free source code programs or non free source code programs evaluate mobility(I am too lazy to look at the sources if free programs espacially when there is a chance to understand faster by reading replies)
I evaluate mobility mainly based on the number of legal moves when I use the number of legal move in the previous ply for the opponent and may go to previous plies when the king is under threat and it is part of my path dependent evaluation that I hope to get rid of it(I am probably not going to get rid of another part).
I understood that Fruit evaluates mobility for every piece in the board except king and pawns.
I also understand that it evaluates in the following way:
1)count the number of pseudo legal possible moves of a piece(not considering pinned pieces)
2)reduce from it a constant
3)multiply the result by a constant.
(knightmoves-4*number of knights)*4+(bishopmoves-6*number of bishops)*5+(rooksmoves-7*number of rooks)*average_opening_end_game(2,4)+(queenmoves-13*number of queens)*
average_opening_end_game means that the number is average based on the stage of the game when the second number is for the endgame.
I wonder if somebody tried to replace his mobility evaluation by fruit's mobility and if he got positive results or negative results.
I also wonder how other free source code programs or non free source code programs evaluate mobility(I am too lazy to look at the sources if free programs espacially when there is a chance to understand faster by reading replies)
I evaluate mobility mainly based on the number of legal moves when I use the number of legal move in the previous ply for the opponent and may go to previous plies when the king is under threat and it is part of my path dependent evaluation that I hope to get rid of it(I am probably not going to get rid of another part).