Tord Romstad wrote:What's the idea behind having nine engines in the reference base, but only testing against eight of them?
If I remember correctly, this has no other explanation than an historical one.
I first decided to have 8 engines as a reference and had this idea of mixing the RR set of games between them with the gauntlet games of a tested engine for establishing the relative rating of the tested one.
I began to test engines and established my rating list.
Then I wished to compare my list with other ones and chose shredder as a good reference point with many games in almost all rating lists.
I then had shredder play its own MLmfl test and this served as my reference point (shredder = 2750) for normalising all results.
As I had already tested many things against the eight engines I continued with the same procedure for all newcomers (against eight and not nine ones).