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Tool to copy game results from on database to an other

PostPosted: 25 Dec 2009, 12:07
by Ladyhawk
I'm looking for a tool to copy only game results from one database to an other database, (cbh or pgn format).
I have used bookbuilder to ad unplayed one ply transpositions to a pgn database, because once a on ply transposition is added, the main line can be an other move order.
The results off the games where lost during the proses.
What I try to do is create two databases with the main lines off a certain player, one for white and one for black.
(I have created these two repertoire database in a complicated automated process, with BookBuilder ,rbm2mvs, fgcrwnew ,obk2pgn, lgpgnmw, chessmaster 9000 openings book tools, the search and replace tools from UltraEdit, and chessbase 10). The white database only contains the white moves where chessmaster 9000 added three red dot’s, next to the white moves, and the black database contains only the black moves where chessmaster 9000 added three red dot’s next to the black moves.)

I know shredderchess (from,
has an option to only add results off the games to an openingsbook, but these opening books cant be exported to pgn. (That would be a nice feature I think, I also like the fact that you can choose for moves after theory ends when importing games to a book, not to long and not to short.)

Regards, Jonathan