ROCE en-passant bug
Posted: 30 Jan 2011, 12:23
Hi (again),
First: Sorry for the overload of topics/questions lately...
Yesterday I started solving the many small bugs in my chess engine using perft/divide. This proved very usefull indeed. For this I've been using ROCE since Roman has a good description on how to use perft/divide on his website including examples.
But now I've run into a problem, with the following position:
8/2p5/3p4/KP5r/1R3pPk/8/4P3/8 b g3 - 0 1
My own engine claims there are 17 legal positions, and so does the cpw (!) but ROCE claims there are 18 positions.
After a short analysis I've found out the move: f4g3.
ROCE claims this is legal, but it isn't. The en-passant move will put the black king in check with the discovered rook on b4!
Which tools do you guys use to track down bugs? Are there better chess engines with such an easy perft/divide as ROCE has?
Also when playing the f4g3 move in ROCE it doesn't see that it is now done. It continues to play with the rook in plain view of the king hehe.
First: Sorry for the overload of topics/questions lately...
Yesterday I started solving the many small bugs in my chess engine using perft/divide. This proved very usefull indeed. For this I've been using ROCE since Roman has a good description on how to use perft/divide on his website including examples.
But now I've run into a problem, with the following position:
8/2p5/3p4/KP5r/1R3pPk/8/4P3/8 b g3 - 0 1
My own engine claims there are 17 legal positions, and so does the cpw (!) but ROCE claims there are 18 positions.
After a short analysis I've found out the move: f4g3.
ROCE claims this is legal, but it isn't. The en-passant move will put the black king in check with the discovered rook on b4!
Which tools do you guys use to track down bugs? Are there better chess engines with such an easy perft/divide as ROCE has?
Also when playing the f4g3 move in ROCE it doesn't see that it is now done. It continues to play with the rook in plain view of the king hehe.