this is REALLY fun...
some notes:
ABROK 5.0 --> ABROK is Korba -> the authors name
ALDEBARAN --> That's a star or a star-system as far as I know
AMYAN 1.595 --> If I remember correctly, the author told me once, that this is a woman in a japanese anime
ARISTARCH 4.50 --> afaik a scientist, he was the first one who thought that the earth moves around the sun... more then thousend years before Kopernikus
ASTERISK 0.4B --> comic... remember Obelix ?!
AYITO 0.2.54 --> Isn't that also the name of this strange sony robot-dog ? At least I believe it is a name...
BETSY 6.51 --> of course a name
BLIKSKOTTEL --> afaik an animal...
BODO 0.2B --> a name
BRAMA --> name or religious ?!
CAPTURE R01 --> chess ? or a move
FAILE 1.4 --> You might call this "bad player -> from to fail... somehow you could also order Patzer and Quark in that. But with Quark I am also fine with it's current categorie, in fact I had both in mind when creating the name"
GARGAMELLA --> remember Gargamel from the smirfs ? So TV/Comic
GHOST 0.14 --> well, a ghost... where to order it ?
HERMANN 1.2 --> a name
ICESPELL 0.022 --> mystics ?
JUNIOR 9 --> maybe also something for a bad player ?
LEILA 0.53H --> name
MONIK 2.1.1 --> name
PATZER 3.61 --> look at fail... a "Patzer" is a bad move or someone who often makes single bad moves
PENTAGON --> mathematical or mystical ?
PEPITO 1.59 --> same as junior...
PETIR 2.3A --> name ?
RUFFIAN 2.1.0 --> name of a horse -> so name categorie might be fine
SKAKI 1.20 --> afaik this means simply chess in greek
WITZ --> joke ? Maybe also "bad player" categorie ?
Greets, Thomas