Moderator: Andres Valverde
>debug on
>position fen rqkrbnnb/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RQKRBNNB w KQkq - 0 1
>perft depth 1
<info depth 1 time 0 nodes 20
>perft depth 2
<info depth 2 time 0 nodes 400
>perft depth 3
<info depth 3 time 15 nodes 8832
>perft depth 4
<info depth 4 time 94 nodes 193554
>perft depth 5
<info depth 5 time 2250 nodes 4673537
>perft depth 6
<info depth 6 time 54828 nodes 111825069
Castling is permitted only, when nothing is standing from the king to his target square (incl.) except an involved rook, and when nothing is standing from the rook to its target square (incl.) except an involved king (from that it can be concluded, that all the squares must be free between both figures).
FEN: rqkrbnnb/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RQKRBNNB w KQkq - 0 1
+-*--b--*--*--e--f--g--h-+ MS Vis. Studio C++ Vers. 13.10
8 |[r][q][k][r][b][n][n][b]| (Compilation: Apr 11 2005)
7 |[p][p][p][p][p][p][p][p]|
6 | ::: ::: ::: :::| Perft Testseries
5 |::: ::: ::: ::: |
4 | ::: ::: ::: :::| (without caching)
3 |::: ::: ::: ::: |
2 |<P><P><P><P><P><P><P><P>| Smirf Test No.: 00
1 |<R><Q><K><R><B><N><N><B>|
=>+-*--b--*--*--e--f--g--h-+ Break Time 5.0 Sec.
Ply Nodes all (x) (e.p.) all (+) all (++) Promot. Castl. Sec.
1 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 8832 99 0 40 0 0 0 0
4 193554 2961 0 915 0 0 0 0
5 4673537 129047 257 39895 0 0 0 0.2
6 111825069 3793709 5166 983773 145 0 0 4.3
7 2916765333 132941956 314652 35568323 5512 0 37 106
FEN: rqkrbnnb/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RQKRBNNB w KQkq - 0 1
+-*--b--*--*--e--f--g--h-+ MS Vis. Studio C++ Vers. 13.10
8 |[r][q][k][r][b][n][n][b]| (Compilation: Apr 11 2005)
7 |[p][p][p][p][p][p][p][p]|
6 | ::: ::: ::: :::| Perft Testseries
5 |::: ::: ::: ::: | (With TT Caching 256.0 MB / 4-fold)
4 | ::: ::: ::: :::| TT Access Success 47.9%
3 |::: ::: ::: ::: |
2 |<P><P><P><P><P><P><P><P>| Smirf Test No.: 00
1 |<R><Q><K><R><B><N><N><B>|
=>+-*--b--*--*--e--f--g--h-+ Break Time 20.0 Sec.
Ply Nodes all (x) all (+) (e.p.) Sec.
1 20 0 0 0 0
2 400 0 0 0 0
3 8832 99 40 0 0
4 193554 2961 915 0 0
5 4673537 129047 39895 257 0.1
6 111825069 3793709 983773 5166 1.2
7 2916765333 132941956 35568323 314652 14.5
8 75331645146 3972680374 941690347 6936954 192.9
Jaime Benito de Valle wrote:By the way, Volker, the version I have for Hermann doesn't display large numbers (%d usually displays 32 bit signed), although the figures are correct after some modifications. Have you corrected this in newer versions?
FEN: rqkrbnnb/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RQKRBNNB w KQkq - 0 1
+-*--b--*--*--e--f--g--h-+ MS Vis. Studio C++ Vers. 13.10
8 |[r][q][k][r][b][n][n][b]| (Compilation: Apr 14 2005)
7 |[p][p][p][p][p][p][p][p]|
6 | ::: ::: ::: :::| Perft Testseries
5 |::: ::: ::: ::: | (With TT Caching 256.0 MB / 4-fold)
4 | ::: ::: ::: :::| TT Access Success 38.2%
3 |::: ::: ::: ::: |
2 |<P><P><P><P><P><P><P><P>| Smirf Test No.: 00
1 |<R><Q><K><R><B><N><N><B>|
=>+-*--b--*--*--e--f--g--h-+ Break Time 200.0 Sec.
Ply Nodes all (x) (e.p.) all (+) Promot. Castl. Sec.
1 20 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 400 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 8832 99 0 40 0 0 0
4 193554 2961 0 915 0 0 0
5 4673537 129047 257 39895 0 0 0.1
6 111825069 3793709 5166 983773 0 0 1.2
7 2916765333 132941956 314652 35568323 0 37 14.4
8 75331645146 3972680374 6936954 941690347 0 12204 192.5
9 2093941843698 132045270050 304280183 32619777466 16808712 204861015 4492
Ply Nodes all (x) (e.p.) all (+) Prom. Castl. Sec.
1 20 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 400 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 8832 99 0 40 0 0 0
4 193554 2961 0 915 0 0 0
5 4673537 129047 257 39895 0 0 0.1
6 111825069 3793709 5166 983773 0 0 1.3
7 2916765333 132941956 314652 35568323 0 37 14.8
8 75331645146 3972680374 6936954 941690347 0 12204 188.1
9 2093941558902 132045250042 304280172 32619775942 16808712 204860899 3074
FEN: Rr3kr1/2p2ppp/2nbp1n1/3p4/1pB1q1b1/1P2P1N1/1PPP1PPP/1NB1QKR1 b Kkq - 0 1
=>+-a--*--c--d--e--*--*--h-+ MS Vis. Studio C++ Vers. 13.10
8 |<R>[r] ::: [k][r]:::| (Compilation: Apr 15 2005)
7 |::: [p] :::[p][p][p]|
6 | :::[n][b][p]:::[n]:::| Perft Testseries
5 |::: :::[p]::: ::: | (With TT Caching 512.0 MB / 4-fold)
4 | [p]<B>:::[q]:::[b]:::| TT Access Success 57.9%
3 |:::<P>::: <P> <N> |
2 | <P><P><P> <P><P><P>| Smirf Test No.: 00
1 |:::<N><B> <Q><K><R> |
+-a--b--c--d--e--*--*--h-+ Break Time 30.0 Sec.
Ply Nodes all (x) (e.p.) all (+) Prom. Castl. Sec.
1 47 7 0 4 0 1 0
2 1335 151 0 40 0 43 0
3 60626 9240 1 4310 0 1409 0
4 1754084 221862 0 41138 0 51759 0.1
5 79306332 12483752 10861 5047355 0 1789561 1.3
6 2336234512 323467817 1379 49627186 0 62359539 22.9
7 104503613557 17032580975 20913802 6205691323 2817344 2158010800 388.3
FEN: 1r1k1r2/ppp1bppp/2np3q/4p3/b1B3Q1/N2PP1Pn/PPPB1P1P/1R1K1R2 w KQkq - 0 1
+-a--*--c--*--e--*--g--h-+ MS Vis. Studio C++ Vers. 13.10
8 | [r] [k] [r] :::| (Compilation: Apr 15 2005)
7 |[p][p][p] [b][p][p][p]|
6 | :::[n][p] ::: [q]| Perft Testseries
5 |::: ::: [p] ::: | (With TT Caching 512.0 MB / 4-fold)
4 |[b]:::<B>::: :::<Q>:::| TT Access Success 54.5%
3 |<N> :::<P><P> <P>[n]|
2 |<P><P><P><B> <P> <P>| Smirf Test No.: 01
1 |:::<R>:::<K>:::<R>::: |
=>+-a--*--c--*--e--*--g--h-+ Break Time 30.0 Sec.
Ply Nodes all (x) (e.p.) all (+) Prom. Castl. Sec.
1 42 3 0 2 0 1 0
2 1533 150 0 86 0 48 0
3 58858 6451 0 2442 0 1281 0
4 2208844 263066 34 128667 0 60664 0.1
5 82619281 11033942 124 3337584 0 1547446 1.5
6 3163057546 422595743 80606 183100448 0 73264323 26.8
7 116684109110 17568516847 474555 4813234553 0 1831394581 485.7
Sune wrote:Btw, what is the interpretation of the position when two rooks are on the
same side of the king, and he still has castle rights for that side?
I remember some time ago there was a discussion on this, but I don't
recall the outcome.
FEN: r2k3r/8/8/8/8/8/8/3K2RR w Kgq - 0 1
+-*--b--c--*--e--f--g--h-+ MS Vis. Studio C++ Vers. 13.10
8 |[r]::: [k] ::: [r]| (Compilation: Apr 15 2005)
7 |::: ::: ::: ::: | Testscenario (sorted, O(n*log(n))):
6 | ::: ::: ::: :::| Move generation
5 |::: ::: ::: ::: |
4 | ::: ::: ::: :::| Smirf Test No.: 00
3 |::: ::: ::: ::: |
2 | ::: ::: ::: :::| Move Count: 22*3306712
1 |::: :::<K>::: <R><R>| per Second: 22383896
=>+-a--b--c--*--e--f--*--h-+ Time: 3.250 sec
5.695 Rh1xh8+ 0.887 Rg1-g8+ 0.445 Rg1-g7 0.438 O-O 0.402 Rg1-g6
0.391 Rh1-h7 0.359 Rh1-h6 0.336 Rg1-g5 0.305 Rh1-h5 0.262 Rg1-g4
0.238 Rh1-h4 0.180 Rg1-g3 0.164 Rh1-h3 0.098 Kd1-d2 0.090 Kd1-e2
0.090 Rg1-g2 0.090 Kd1-c2 0.082 Rh1-h2 0.055 Rg1-e1 0.035 Rg1-f1
-0.008 Kd1-e1 -0.008 Kd1-c1
FEN: r2k3r/8/8/8/8/8/8/3K2RR w Kq - 0 1
+-*--b--c--*--e--f--g--h-+ MS Vis. Studio C++ Vers. 13.10
8 |[r]::: [k] ::: [r]| (Compilation: Apr 15 2005)
7 |::: ::: ::: ::: | Testscenario (sorted, O(n*log(n))):
6 | ::: ::: ::: :::| Move generation
5 |::: ::: ::: ::: |
4 | ::: ::: ::: :::| Smirf Test No.: 01
3 |::: ::: ::: ::: |
2 | ::: ::: ::: :::| Move Count: 21*3464175
1 |::: :::<K>::: <R><R>| per Second: 25861242
=>+-a--b--c--*--e--f--g--*-+ Time: 2.813 sec
5.695 Rh1xh8+ 0.887 Rg1-g8+ 0.445 Rg1-g7 0.402 Rg1-g6 0.391 Rh1-h7
0.359 Rh1-h6 0.336 Rg1-g5 0.305 Rh1-h5 0.262 Rg1-g4 0.238 Rh1-h4
0.180 Rg1-g3 0.164 Rh1-h3 0.098 Kd1-d2 0.090 Rg1-g2 0.090 Kd1-c2
0.090 Kd1-e2 0.082 Rh1-h2 0.055 Rg1-e1 0.035 Rg1-f1 -0.008 Kd1-e1
-0.008 Kd1-c1
Sune Fischer wrote:[FRC - Perft]
Rr3kr1/2p2ppp/2nbp1n1/3p4/1pB1q1b1/1P2P1N1/1PPP1PPP/1NB1QKR1 b Kkq - 0 1
perft 1 47
perft 2 1335
perft 3 60626
perft 4 1754084
perft 5 79306332
perft 6 2336234512
1r1k1r2/ppp1bppp/2np3q/4p3/b1B3Q1/N2PP1Pn/PPPB1P1P/1R1K1R2 w KQkq - 0 1
perft 1 42
perft 2 1533
perft 3 58858
perft 4 2208844
perft 5 82619281
perft 6 3163057546
debug on
position fen <fen-string>
perft depth <d> Hash <m>
perft Hash <m> depth <d>
perft <depth> [epdfile]
Sune wrote:I was thinking one should really also mirror the board and check that all 4 versions produce the same count.
FEN: Rr3kr1/2p2ppp/2nbp1n1/3p4/1pB1q1b1/1P2P1N1/1PPP1PPP/1NB1QKR1 b Kkq - 0 1
=>+-a--*--c--d--e--*--*--h-+ MS Vis. Studio C++ Vers. 13.10
8 |<R>[r] ::: [k][r]:::| (Compilation: Apr 16 2005)
7 |::: [p] :::[p][p][p]|
6 | :::[n][b][p]:::[n]:::| Perft Testseries
5 |::: :::[p]::: ::: | (With TT Caching 256.0 MB / 4-fold)
4 | [p]<B>:::[q]:::[b]:::| TT Access Success 55.4%
3 |:::<P>::: <P> <N> |
2 | <P><P><P> <P><P><P>| Smirf Test No.: 00
1 |:::<N><B> <Q><K><R> |
+-a--b--c--d--e--*--*--h-+ Break Time 5.0 Sec.
Ply Nodes all (x) (e.p.) all (+) Prom. Castl. Sec.
1 47 7 0 4 0 1 0
2 1335 151 0 40 0 43 0
3 60626 9240 1 4310 0 1409 0
4 1754084 221862 0 41138 0 51759 0.1
5 79306332 12483752 10861 5047355 0 1789561 1.3
6 2336234512 323467817 1379 49627186 0 62359539 22.1
FEN: 1nb1qkr1/1ppp1ppp/1p2p1n1/1Pb1Q1B1/3P4/2NBP1N1/2P2PPP/rR3KR1 w KQk - 0 1
+-a--b--c--d--e--*--*--h-+ MS Vis. Studio C++ Vers. 13.10
8 | [n][b]:::[q][k][r]:::| (Compilation: Apr 16 2005)
7 |:::[p][p][p]:::[p][p][p]|
6 | [p] :::[p]:::[n]:::| Perft Testseries
5 |:::<P>[b] <Q> <B> | (With TT Caching 256.0 MB / 4-fold)
4 | ::: <P> ::: :::| TT Access Success 55.5%
3 |::: <N><B><P> <N> |
2 | :::<P>::: <P><P><P>| Smirf Test No.: 01
1 |[r]<R>::: :::<K><R> |
=>+-a--*--c--d--e--*--*--h-+ Break Time 5.0 Sec.
Ply Nodes all (x) (e.p.) all (+) Prom. Castl. Sec.
1 47 7 0 4 0 1 0
2 1335 151 0 40 0 43 0
3 60626 9240 1 4310 0 1409 0
4 1754084 221862 0 41138 0 51759 0.1
5 79306332 12483752 10861 5047355 0 1789561 1.3
6 2336234512 323467817 1379 49627186 0 62359539 22.3
FEN: 1r1k1r2/ppp1bppp/2np3q/4p3/b1B3Q1/N2PP1Pn/PPPB1P1P/1R1K1R2 w KQkq - 0 1
+-a--*--c--*--e--*--g--h-+ MS Vis. Studio C++ Vers. 13.10
8 | [r] [k] [r] :::| (Compilation: Apr 16 2005)
7 |[p][p][p] [b][p][p][p]|
6 | :::[n][p] ::: [q]| Perft Testseries
5 |::: ::: [p] ::: | (With TT Caching 256.0 MB / 4-fold)
4 |[b]:::<B>::: :::<Q>:::| TT Access Success 57.9%
3 |<N> :::<P><P> <P>[n]|
2 |<P><P><P><B> <P> <P>| Smirf Test No.: 02
1 |:::<R>:::<K>:::<R>::: |
=>+-a--*--c--*--e--*--g--h-+ Break Time 5.0 Sec.
Ply Nodes all (x) (e.p.) all (+) Prom. Castl. Sec.
1 42 3 0 2 0 1 0
2 1533 150 0 86 0 48 0
3 58858 6451 0 2442 0 1281 0
4 2208844 263066 34 128667 0 60664 0.1
5 82619281 11033942 124 3337584 0 1547446 1.5
6 3163057546 422595743 80606 183100448 0 73264323 26.3
FEN: 1r1k1r2/pppb1p1p/n2pp1pN/B1b3q1/4P3/2NP3Q/PPP1BPPP/1R1K1R2 b KQkq - 0 1
=>+-a--*--c--*--e--*--g--h-+ MS Vis. Studio C++ Vers. 13.10
8 | [r] [k] [r] :::| (Compilation: Apr 16 2005)
7 |[p][p][p][b]:::[p]:::[p]|
6 |[n]::: [p][p]:::[p]<N>| Perft Testseries
5 |<B> [b] ::: [q] | (With TT Caching 256.0 MB / 4-fold)
4 | ::: :::<P>::: :::| TT Access Success 57.9%
3 |::: <N><P>::: :::<Q>|
2 |<P><P><P>:::<B><P><P><P>| Smirf Test No.: 03
1 |:::<R>:::<K>:::<R>::: |
+-a--*--c--*--e--*--g--h-+ Break Time 5.0 Sec.
Ply Nodes all (x) (e.p.) all (+) Prom. Castl. Sec.
1 42 3 0 2 0 1 0
2 1533 150 0 86 0 48 0
3 58858 6451 0 2442 0 1281 0
4 2208844 263066 34 128667 0 60664 0.1
5 82619281 11033942 124 3337584 0 1547446 1.5
6 3163057546 422595743 80606 183100448 0 73264323 26.0
Volker wrote:... where <m> is the size of a hash table in megabytes.
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