This first public beta of Smirf (about 1.3 MB) is unrestricted until 2005/06/30.
Of course this program is subject to further improvements.
Comments are welcomed.
Regards, Reinhard.
Moderator: Andres Valverde
extern "C" __declspec(IMP_EXP) const char * __c DoCmd(
char MainCmd, char SubCmd, int nrIn = 0, const char *pIn = 0L);
TMCI protocol (Third Millennium Chess Interface) [ incomplete draft ]
The protocol is intended to keep the GUI realy silly. The GUI
gets all its knowlegde on chess moves from the engines. This
makes those GUIs much easier to be extended to new variants,
and also allows an easier writing of such GUIs.
COMMANDS (please discuss planned extensions with R. Scharnagl)
How to perform any command:
(DoCmd args) (DoCmd answer)
'*' '*' ** ** => char string "<answer>" rsp. "ok" at success
(and stop any engine run task, if necessary)
=> otherwise 0L, if impossible or after errors
(query last error reason by: DoCmd('I','R'))
'?' '*' -- -- => list of all sub commands to any main command '*'
'?' '?' -- -- => list of all main commands
'I' 'A' -- -- => name of the author
'I' 'E' -- -- => name of the engine
'I' 'V' -- -- => version of the engine
'I' 'R' -- -- => reason (of the last error situation)
'F' 'S' -- -- => produce the FEN char string matching the
current situation
'F' '8' nr -- => produce the FEN char string to a numbered
FRC 8x8 starting position (<nr> 1...960)
(or else 0L, when not FRC 8x8 aware)
0 -- => produce the FEN char string to
the classical 8x8 chess starting array
(or else 0L, when not standard 8x8 aware)
'F' 'C' nr vv => produce the FEN char string to a numbered (not
selected) CRC 10x8 starting position (<nr> 1...48000)
(or else 0L, when not CRC 10x8 aware if vv != 0L)
0 -- => produce the FEN char string to
the Capablanca 10x8 chess starting array
(or else 0L, when not Capablanca 10x8 aware)
-1 -- => produce the FEN char string to
the Bird 10x8 chess starting array
(or else 0L, when not Bird 10x8 aware)
-2 -- => produce the FEN char string to
the Carrera 10x8 chess starting array
(or else 0L, when not Carrera 10x8 aware)
-3 -- => produce the FEN char string to
the GothicChess 10x8 chess starting array
(or else 0L, when not GothicChess 10x8 aware)
-4 -- => produce the FEN char string to
the Janus Chess 10x8 chess starting array
(or else 0L, when not Janus Chess 10x8 aware)
'M' 'A' nr -- => show the currently prepared move <nr> in
algebraic form (letter, digit, letter, digit, extra),
source before target, where extra is the lower promotion
piece code (English) or 'k', when king's castling has
to be distinguished from another king's move.
(or else 0L, when move <nr> does not exist)
This codes are sent back to the engine in case that
moves would be selected.
'M' 'T' nr -- => show the currently prepared move <nr> as long text
(e.g. "e4xf5+", "O-O-O" or "Bc1-f4" using English)
(or else 0L, when move <nr> does not exist)
'M' 'V' nr -- => show the evaluation to currently prepared move <nr>
(or else 0L, when move <nr> does not exist)
'M' 'L' nr -- => show the search level of currently prepared move <nr>
(or else 0L, when move <nr> does not exist)
'E' 'F' -- fs => enter a FEN char string <fs> as position
(and prepare a list of actual moves)
'E' 'M' -- mv => enter a move <mv>
(as been encoded before by DoCmd('M', 'A', nr))
(and prepare FEN and a list of actual moves)
'E' '-' -- -- => take back last move
(and prepare FEN and a list of actual moves)
Licensing: (to be set (once) before calculating or pondering)
'L' 'N' -- nm => input the user name <nm>
(will answer a string truncated to < 255 chars)
'L' 'K' -- ky => input the engine-key <ky>
(will answer "ok" when key matches or engine is not
protected at all, or 0L if necessary key was wrong)
(the procedure should not work after some bad trials)
Timing: (to be set befor pondering or computing)
'T' 'W' tm -- => Time Left White, in MSec, totale Restzeit
'T' 'B' tm -- => Time Left Black, in MSec, totale Restzeit
'T' '#' =1 -- => Time is for one move (=1) only or all (=0) moves
'C' 'P' -- -- => let the engine start its Ponder-thinking
'C' '+' -- -- => let the engine start its thinking
'C' '-' -- -- => let the engine terminate its thinking
'C' 'B' -- -- => busy? answer with "ok" or 0L
'C' 'I' 00 -- => Info: answer with (last) actual move
'C' 'I' 01 -- => Info: answer with (last) actual value
'C' 'I' 02 -- => Info: answer with (last) actual PV
'C' 'A' -- -- => request answer-move in algebraic notation
'C' 'H' -1 -- => query hash size as a char string
'C' 'H' mb -- => set new hash size in MB and query result
'T' 'F' tm -- => Fischertime a move (if changed)
Reinhard Scharnagl wrote:Hi all,
there will be new Smirf beta versions from time to time:
at .
Actually there is Smirf Beta BC-058, BC-059 will follow soon.
Capability to copy fen/analysis to clipboard would be a nice thing, as also capability to resize the board.
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