...crux 01.3R available...

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...crux 01.3R available...

Postby WYx » 30 Apr 2000, 10:08

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: WYx at 30 April 2000 11:08:45:
the new crux available on crux site.
the version 01.3R stronger (cca. 50 ELO BLITZ).

Re: ...crux 01.3R available...

Postby Volker Pittlik » 30 Apr 2000, 14:47

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Volker Pittlik at 30 April 2000 15:47:24:
Als Antwort auf: / As an answer to: ...crux 01.3R available... geschrieben von: / posted by: WYx at 30 April 2000 11:08:45:
I got an error:

WinBoard 4.0.7 + Crux01_3R
StartChildProcess (dir="d:\winboard\crux") Crux01_3R -xboard -hash32
125 _first : xboard
125 _first : new
125 _first : level 0 5 0
125 _first : post
125 _first : hard
125 _first : force
StartChildProcess (dir="d:\Winboard\freyr") Freyr_0987 -hashsize 20
157 _second: xboard
157 _second: new
422 _first : ---------------------
1094 _first : Loop *CRUX*
1110 _first : Bonus time x1.3 *CRUX*
1110 _first : Number of moves:1 Period :40 50mrule:0 Remained time:120 Time used :4 *CRUX*
1110 _first : ____depth____score_____time____nodes____PV_______
1110 _first : _________________________________________________
1297 _first : externalbook start_w..ok. [219]
1297 _first :
1297 _first : 1 0 0 0 f2f4 [book]
1313 _first :
1313 _first : move f2f4
1329 _second: time 30000
otim 29898
1329 _second: f2f4
1329 _second: black
1329 _second: go
387313 _first : allocated time 7s *CRUX*
387329 _second: 6. 0 0 2938 13324 Qe5
387438 _second: 7. 0 0 6489 33945 Qe5
388032 _second: 8. 0 0 46697 101066 Qe5
389422 _first : 0 0 0 0 ?
389594 _first : 1 -489 0 3354220 e6e5 g7f8 e5b8 f8g7 b8a7 h1h2 a7b7
389594 _first : 2 21 0 3355463 e6e5 g7f7 e5c7 f7f8 c7b8 f8g7 b8a7 h1h2 a7b7
389610 _first : 3 22 0 3358030 e6e5 g7f7 e5c7 f7e6 c7d6 e6f7 d6c7 Rep!
389610 _first : 4 -28 0 3361950 e6e5 g7f7 e5c7 f7e6 c7d6 e6f7 d6c7 Rep!
389641 _first : 5 0 0 3379320 e6e5 g7f7 e5c7 f7e6 c7d6 e6f7 d6c7 Rep!
389907 _first : 6 0 0 3525505 e6e5
389922 _second: 9. 0 2 93827 459917 Qe5
390829 _first : 7 0 1 4039943 e6e5
394172 _first : 8 0 5 5834139 e6e5
396485 _first : 9 0 7 7028590 e6e5 [7029 kNodes, 1004 kNps]
396485 _first : --------
396485 _first : .r......
396485 _first : pp....kp
396485 _first : ......p.
396485 _first : ..P.Q...
396485 _first : ..P..Pp.
396485 _first : ...KP...
396485 _first : P......P
396485 _first : .......q
396485 _first : --------
396485 _first : Best moves :e6e5 e6d7 e6g4 e6g6 a2a3 a2a4
396485 _first : Legal moves number:3
396485 _first :
396485 _first : move e6e5
Interrupting second
396485 _second: time 12798
otim 7598
396485 _second: e6e5
396594 _first : -move OK *CRUX*
396594 _second: Time to analyse position : 9.27 seconds
396594 _second: The board looks like this :
396594 _second: +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
396594 _second: | | r | | | | | | |
396594 _second: +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
396594 _second: | p | p | | | | | k | p |
396594 _second: +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
396594 _second: | | | | | Q | | p | |
396594 _second: +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
396594 _second: | | | P | | | | | |
396594 _second: +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
396594 _second: | | | P | | | P | p | |
396594 _second: +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
396594 _second: | | | | K | P | | | |
396594 _second: +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
396594 _second: | P | | | | | | | P |
396594 _second: +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
396594 _second: | | | | | | | | q |
396594 _second: +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
396594 _second:
396594 _second: epd diagram : 1r6/pp4kp/6p1/2P1Q3/2P2Pp1/3KP3/P6P/7q w - -
396594 _second: Score Moves :
396594 _second: Move number = 57
396594 _second: Moves so far : [ f4 Nf6 Nf3 g6 e3 Bg7 Be2 Kg8 c4 d5 d4 Be6 cxd5(p) Bxd5(p) Bd2 c5 dxc5(p) Ne4 Bc3 Nxc3(B) Nxc3(N) Bxc3(N) bxc3(B) e6 Qd4 Nc6 Qa4 Bxf3(N) gxf3(B) Qe7 Qb5 Rd8 c4 Qh4 Kf1 Rb8 Rd1 Rxd1(R) Bxd1(R) e5 fxe5(p) Nxe5(p) Be2 f5 f4 Ng4 Bxg4(N) fxg4(B) Qd7 Qh3 Ke2 Qg2 Kd3 Qxh1(R) Qe6 Kg7 Qe5 ]
396610 _second: No moves matching the profile were found !
396610 _second: 2. 15 0 41 166 Kf7
396610 _second: 3. 0 0 95 252 Kh6
396610 _second: 4. 0 0 162 385 Kh6
396610 _second: 5. 0 0 398 688 Kh6
396610 _second: 6. 0 0 925 2280 Kh6
396610 _second: 7. 0 0 4444 8696 Kh6
396719 _second: 8. 0 0 8223 27032 Kh6
396891 _first : 0 0 0 0 ?
397079 _first : Exception EAccessViolation in module Crux01_3R.exe at 000408C3.
397079 _first : Access violation at address 004408C3 in module 'Crux01_3R.exe'. Read of address F74C2756.
Fatal Error: Error: first chess program (Crux01_3R -xboard -hash32) exited unexpectedly
Interrupting first
397125 _first : quit
Fatal Error: Error writing to first chess program:
Pipe wird gerade geschlossen.

Volker Pittlik

Re Works fine for me (NT)

Postby Aaron » 30 Apr 2000, 17:39

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Aaron at 30 April 2000 18:39:05:
Als Antwort auf: / As an answer to: Re: ...crux 01.3R available... geschrieben von: / posted by: Volker Pittlik at 30 April 2000 15:47:24:
I got an error:

WinBoard 4.0.7 + Crux01_3R
StartChildProcess (dir="d:\winboard\crux") Crux01_3R -xboard -hash32
125 _first : xboard
125 _first : new
125 _first : level 0 5 0
125 _first : post
125 _first : hard
125 _first : force
StartChildProcess (dir="d:\Winboard\freyr") Freyr_0987 -hashsize 20
157 _second: xboard
157 _second: new
422 _first : ---------------------
1094 _first : Loop *CRUX*
1110 _first : Bonus time x1.3 *CRUX*
1110 _first : Number of moves:1 Period :40 50mrule:0 Remained time:120 Time used :4 *CRUX*
1110 _first : ____depth____score_____time____nodes____PV_______
1110 _first : _________________________________________________
1297 _first : externalbook start_w..ok. [219]
1297 _first :
1297 _first : 1 0 0 0 f2f4 [book]
1313 _first :
1313 _first : move f2f4
1329 _second: time 30000
otim 29898
1329 _second: f2f4
1329 _second: black
1329 _second: go
387313 _first : allocated time 7s *CRUX*
387329 _second: 6. 0 0 2938 13324 Qe5
387438 _second: 7. 0 0 6489 33945 Qe5
388032 _second: 8. 0 0 46697 101066 Qe5
389422 _first : 0 0 0 0 ?
389594 _first : 1 -489 0 3354220 e6e5 g7f8 e5b8 f8g7 b8a7 h1h2 a7b7
389594 _first : 2 21 0 3355463 e6e5 g7f7 e5c7 f7f8 c7b8 f8g7 b8a7 h1h2 a7b7
389610 _first : 3 22 0 3358030 e6e5 g7f7 e5c7 f7e6 c7d6 e6f7 d6c7 Rep!
389610 _first : 4 -28 0 3361950 e6e5 g7f7 e5c7 f7e6 c7d6 e6f7 d6c7 Rep!
389641 _first : 5 0 0 3379320 e6e5 g7f7 e5c7 f7e6 c7d6 e6f7 d6c7 Rep!
389907 _first : 6 0 0 3525505 e6e5
389922 _second: 9. 0 2 93827 459917 Qe5
390829 _first : 7 0 1 4039943 e6e5
394172 _first : 8 0 5 5834139 e6e5
396485 _first : 9 0 7 7028590 e6e5 [7029 kNodes, 1004 kNps]
396485 _first : --------
396485 _first : .r......
396485 _first : pp....kp
396485 _first : ......p.
396485 _first : ..P.Q...
396485 _first : ..P..Pp.
396485 _first : ...KP...
396485 _first : P......P
396485 _first : .......q
396485 _first : --------
396485 _first : Best moves :e6e5 e6d7 e6g4 e6g6 a2a3 a2a4
396485 _first : Legal moves number:3
396485 _first :
396485 _first : move e6e5
Interrupting second
396485 _second: time 12798
otim 7598
396485 _second: e6e5
396594 _first : -move OK *CRUX*
396594 _second: Time to analyse position : 9.27 seconds
396594 _second: The board looks like this :
396594 _second: +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
396594 _second: | | r | | | | | | |
396594 _second: +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
396594 _second: | p | p | | | | | k | p |
396594 _second: +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
396594 _second: | | | | | Q | | p | |
396594 _second: +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
396594 _second: | | | P | | | | | |
396594 _second: +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
396594 _second: | | | P | | | P | p | |
396594 _second: +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
396594 _second: | | | | K | P | | | |
396594 _second: +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
396594 _second: | P | | | | | | | P |
396594 _second: +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
396594 _second: | | | | | | | | q |
396594 _second: +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
396594 _second:
396594 _second: epd diagram : 1r6/pp4kp/6p1/2P1Q3/2P2Pp1/3KP3/P6P/7q w - -
396594 _second: Score Moves :
396594 _second: Move number = 57
396594 _second: Moves so far : [ f4 Nf6 Nf3 g6 e3 Bg7 Be2 Kg8 c4 d5 d4 Be6 cxd5(p) Bxd5(p) Bd2 c5 dxc5(p) Ne4 Bc3 Nxc3(B) Nxc3(N) Bxc3(N) bxc3(B) e6 Qd4 Nc6 Qa4 Bxf3(N) gxf3(B) Qe7 Qb5 Rd8 c4 Qh4 Kf1 Rb8 Rd1 Rxd1(R) Bxd1(R) e5 fxe5(p) Nxe5(p) Be2 f5 f4 Ng4 Bxg4(N) fxg4(B) Qd7 Qh3 Ke2 Qg2 Kd3 Qxh1(R) Qe6 Kg7 Qe5 ]
396610 _second: No moves matching the profile were found !
396610 _second: 2. 15 0 41 166 Kf7
396610 _second: 3. 0 0 95 252 Kh6
396610 _second: 4. 0 0 162 385 Kh6
396610 _second: 5. 0 0 398 688 Kh6
396610 _second: 6. 0 0 925 2280 Kh6
396610 _second: 7. 0 0 4444 8696 Kh6
396719 _second: 8. 0 0 8223 27032 Kh6
396891 _first : 0 0 0 0 ?
397079 _first : Exception EAccessViolation in module Crux01_3R.exe at 000408C3.
397079 _first : Access violation at address 004408C3 in module 'Crux01_3R.exe'. Read of address F74C2756.
Fatal Error: Error: first chess program (Crux01_3R -xboard -hash32) exited unexpectedly
Interrupting first
397125 _first : quit
Fatal Error: Error writing to first chess program:
Pipe wird gerade geschlossen.


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