Freyr 0.987 Released

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Freyr 0.987 Released

Postby Andrei Fortuna » 30 Apr 2000, 08:27

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Andrei Fortuna at 30 April 2000 09:27:42:
Hello my friends,
I'm once again happy to announce a new release of my chess engine Freyr. The old evaluation function and piecetable settings were very wrong in the previous versions, now I changed them to very simple ones and things seems to be much much better. Also my old quiescence function was poorly functioning, it was rewritten to.
Note : I changed the format of the opening book so please delete all old opening books for Freyr.
Download site for Freyr and a 5 Mb opening book :
Best Regards,
Andrei Fortuna

Re: Freyr 0.987 Released

Postby Dann Corbit » 30 Apr 2000, 09:09

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Dann Corbit at 30 April 2000 10:09:38:
Als Antwort auf: / As an answer to: Freyr 0.987 Released geschrieben von: / posted by: Andrei Fortuna at 30 April 2000 09:27:42:
Hello my friends,
I'm once again happy to announce a new release of my chess engine Freyr. The old evaluation function and piecetable settings were very wrong in the previous versions, now I changed them to very simple ones and things seems to be much much better. Also my old quiescence function was poorly functioning, it was rewritten to.
Note : I changed the format of the opening book so please delete all old opening books for Freyr.
Download site for Freyr and a 5 Mb opening book :
I'm looking forward to examining the source. I rather enjoy your coding style.
Dann Corbit

Re: Freyr 0.987 Released

Postby Volker Pittlik » 30 Apr 2000, 15:16

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Volker Pittlik at 30 April 2000 16:16:02:
Als Antwort auf: / As an answer to: Freyr 0.987 Released geschrieben von: / posted by: Andrei Fortuna at 30 April 2000 09:27:42:

WinBoard 4.0.7 + Freyr_0987
StartChildProcess (dir="d:\Winboard\freyr") Freyr_0987 -hashsize 20 -tbdir g:\tb
109 _first : xboard
109 _first : new
109 _first : level 0 2 0
109 _first : post
109 _first : hard
234 _first : Freyr_0987
234 _first : -hashsize
234 _first : 20
234 _first : -tbdir
234 _first : g:\tb
2703 _first : Initialized tablebases : 5
2859 _first : Cannot open learn.txt !
How to activate this learning file?
Congrats for implementing TBs!
Volker Pittlik

Re: Freyr 0.987 Released

Postby Andrei Fortuna » 01 May 2000, 22:48

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Andrei Fortuna at 01 May 2000 23:48:22:
Als Antwort auf: / As an answer to: Re: Freyr 0.987 Released geschrieben von: / posted by: Volker Pittlik at 30 April 2000 16:16:02:
WinBoard 4.0.7 + Freyr_0987
StartChildProcess (dir="d:\Winboard\freyr") Freyr_0987 -hashsize 20 -tbdir g:\tb
109 _first : xboard
109 _first : new
109 _first : level 0 2 0
109 _first : post
109 _first : hard
234 _first : Freyr_0987
234 _first : -hashsize
234 _first : 20
234 _first : -tbdir
234 _first : g:\tb
2703 _first : Initialized tablebases : 5
2859 _first : Cannot open learn.txt !
How to activate this learning file?
Congrats for implementing TBs!
Of course I forgot to include something.
learn.txt is a text file used to control the opening book selection
a simple example:
***** start of learn.txt *******
[avoid this]
e4 * f4??
[just a test]
d4 d5 e3!! Nf6 Bd3!! c5 c3!! e6 Nf3!!
e4 d5!!
***** end of learn.txt *****
where moves can be marked with ?? ? ! or !!
consider this a secondary opening book with higher priority than the standard one
it can be used to force freyr play some openings, so far I don't use it but I have plans to
Andrei Fortuna

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