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Re: Insomniac

Postby James Robertson » 05 May 2000, 02:38

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: James Robertson at 05 May 2000 03:38:07:
Als Antwort auf: / As an answer to: Re: Insomniac geschrieben von: / posted by: Mogens Larsen at 04 May 2000 15:29:30:
I think if you have been given a special test version by a program author not offered for the public he decided to give it to _you_ and you shouldn't give it to anyone else without explicit agreement by the author .
If the author decides not to give newer versions to you , so what ? It is _his_ program and if he wants to have it only for himself or wants to give it to people whose name start with "Y" that's only up to him .
In fact I don't understand why everyone is so upset about programs that are not public ; aren't there already enough great public ones :-) ?
It seems to me a program author giving his beta-versions to testers will have to decide if the results are valuable for him or not : might hurt if he finds out your results are not valuable for him at the moment ;-) , but I can imagine multiple other much more harmless reasons too .
Only my humble opinion for sure as usual ...
Absolutely, there isn't time enough to try all programs as extensively as you would want.
So can I, but it is the lack of information I resent. I _might_ get a newer version from James in a month or so. But it would be nice to receive some information i the nine months in between versions.
Much appreciated.
Best wishes...
I stumbled across this thread, and I would like to say a few things about my odd approach, isolationism, and reluctance to answer emails. (;
First, I have been busy with school and don't have time to work on my program until the semester ends. As a result, recieving analyzed games or test results is in most cases not very useful because I can't easily use them.
Second, I don't know why you would say I don't answer emails. By my records, you have sent me 39 emails in the course of a year and I have responded to 33 of them, including the latest 11. Perhaps I have misfiled some, but I am usually pretty careful.
Third, I think my motives for not distributing my program were misinterpreted. It seems at least a few people have come to the conclusion that I have an odd approach and isolationist tendencies, but this is extreme. Before the 99 DOCCC several dozen people helped me test Insomniac, and I greatly value their input. I see no reason why I would not do something similar before another big event.
Finally, I don't want Insomniac distributed because testing with either old or new versions won't help me. I just don't have enough time to improve Insomniac until the semester ends. Besides, I don't think that having version 0.53 lose a bunch of games really helps me find current problems or makes me feel any better. I don't think people realise how much I hate to watch Insomniac lose. It reminds me (this is a very rough analogy) of stories about early settlers in America that were tied up by indians while their childred were cruelly tortured.
Bottom line: I don't want to expose my baby to danger unless I can help him. :))
James Robertson

Re: Insomniac

Postby Mogens Larsen » 05 May 2000, 05:18

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Mogens Larsen at 05 May 2000 06:18:07:
Als Antwort auf: / As an answer to: Re: Insomniac geschrieben von: / posted by: James Robertson at 05 May 2000 03:38:07:
I stumbled across this thread, and I would like to say a few things about my odd approach, isolationism, and reluctance to answer emails. (;
First, I have been busy with school and don't have time to work on my program until the semester ends. As a result, recieving analyzed games or test results is in most cases not very useful because I can't easily use them.
Second, I don't know why you would say I don't answer emails. By my records, you have sent me 39 emails in the course of a year and I have responded to 33 of them, including the latest 11. Perhaps I have misfiled some, but I am usually pretty careful.
Third, I think my motives for not distributing my program were misinterpreted. It seems at least a few people have come to the conclusion that I have an odd approach and isolationist tendencies, but this is extreme. Before the 99 DOCCC several dozen people helped me test Insomniac, and I greatly value their input. I see no reason why I would not do something similar before another big event.
Finally, I don't want Insomniac distributed because testing with either old or new versions won't help me. I just don't have enough time to improve Insomniac until the semester ends. Besides, I don't think that having version 0.53 lose a bunch of games really helps me find current problems or makes me feel any better. I don't think people realise how much I hate to watch Insomniac lose. It reminds me (this is a very rough analogy) of stories about early settlers in America that were tied up by indians while their childred were cruelly tortured.
Bottom line: I don't want to expose my baby to danger unless I can help him. :))
Yes, you did answer a _lot_ of them and that is appreciated. However, it would have been nice if you had said whether testing was needed or not. I'm not _that_ sensitive :o).
Thank you for clearing things up.
Best wishes...
Mogens Larsen


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