Moderator: Andres Valverde
Thomas Mayer wrote:Hi Uri,
well, I do not like the idea of stopping the search before the time for each position is reached that much, because some engines switch later to another move.
Anyway, I have added two new features:
-g <x>
when the solution is correct for <x> plys the analysis is stopped. The minumum number here is 1 which means that when something is found at let's say ply 5 and it holds the solution until ply 6 the analysis will be stopped.
-h <y>
when the solution is correct and the score is above <y> the analysis is stopped immediately.
I will offer a download link soon in this thread when I have completed the readme...
Greets, Thomas
Thomas Mayer wrote:Hi,
I have just uploaded a new version of epd2wb.
Volker Pittlik reported a bug that epd2wb crashes if you use -cuci.txt instead -c uci.txt. (Same with all other file or path parameters)
I have fixed that.
Also there is a new feature: -j
With that you turn strict UCI 1 on, some engines have problems when they receive a "ucinewgame". E.g. Glaurung.
Thanks to Volker there are 2 new engines in the stapeltest.bat - Arion and Booot.
Greets, Thomas
Daniel Mehrmann wrote:Thomas Mayer wrote:Hi,
I have just uploaded a new version of epd2wb.
Volker Pittlik reported a bug that epd2wb crashes if you use -cuci.txt instead -c uci.txt. (Same with all other file or path parameters)
I have fixed that.
Also there is a new feature: -j
With that you turn strict UCI 1 on, some engines have problems when they receive a "ucinewgame". E.g. Glaurung.
Thanks to Volker there are 2 new engines in the stapeltest.bat - Arion and Booot.
Greets, Thomas
Great job Thomas !
Works very fine with homer and i found a bug in MoveGenerator
hmmm, if i'm using UCI somthing going wrong while you display the score:
yes 10 1371 +32763 528958 g3g6 g7f6 g6h7
But i'm sending correct:
info score mate 3 depth 10 seldepth 10 nodes ..... and so on
Why is +32763 as score displayed ?
Thomas Mayer wrote:Hallo Daniel,hmmm, if i'm using UCI somthing going wrong while you display the score:
yes 10 1371 +32763 528958 g3g6 g7f6 g6h7
But i'm sending correct:
info score mate 3 depth 10 seldepth 10 nodes ..... and so on
Why is +32763 as score displayed ?
Well, everything fine here -> epd2wb uses as line-parser the same routine here then the wb-part. And therefor it awaits a score and not a mate announcement. So when an UCI-engine sends a mate announcement I recalculate that to a score. 32767-matedepth*2... which is a bug, it should be 32768-matedepth*2...
Greets, Thomas
Thomas Mayer wrote:So when an UCI-engine sends a mate announcement I recalculate that to a score. 32767-matedepth*2... which is a bug, it should be 32768-matedepth*2...
matedepth=1 => mate in 1 move => mate in 1 ply => +32767
matedepth=2 => mate in 2 moves => mate in 3 plies => +32765
matedepth=3 => mate in 3 moves => mate in 5 plies => +32763
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