Geschrieben von: / Posted by: WYx at 17 January 2001 14:37:18:
Als Antwort auf: / As an answer to: Re: ...Crux for Windows 1.4 is available... geschrieben von: / posted by: Thomas Mayer at 17 January 2001 13:48:10:
Hi Laszlo,
I'm very glad, you starting on IPCCC 2001 Paderborn!
You have ghost of a chance for a winning

Crux 04.6b is current test version, i'm working a new crux-engine,
that i hope, it live up to expectations, and 150% speedup coming...
Well, I think Quark and Holmes will fight for the same place...

But where is Crux ? Because then we would fight as a trio...

But who knows, all the engines participating and known by me has at minimum lost one game against Quark so far - maybe exactly THAT game will happen ?! (Daydreaming...

Speed is not all - your depth looks pretty nice to me, but something must be completely broken in your engine, with that depth it must do much better, I think...
Last result Quark 1.xx - Crux 04.5b 15+ 4= 1- (25 min / Game) Quark does not come much deeper then Crux...
testresults: (1 minutes/40 moves) just this

Quark 1.x -Crux 04.6b +7 -6 =3
Holmes 4.0 -Crux 04.6b +4 -5 =7

, yeh, in particular against ChessTiger must be a fortification...

Likely, you are right, but i don't now, where

This is a truly big problem...
But I'm hopeful, the new crux engine will be better...
which version of Quark? which book for Crux?