Tried that multicut in Diep.
gives 0.5 ply deeper when it gets around 10-12 ply.
Problem is it reduces at cut nodes. IMHO nullmove is superior there and already reduces plydepth a lot by reduction factor.
You can get 1 ply deeper by using R=4 instead of R=3 with nullmove too, less risks than multicut.
Figured out you REALLY need to follow the definitions of Yngvi real well.
Multicut is by far the best algorithmic find of the past few years IMHO as it is a new method to cutoff.
however, reducing at all nodes somehow is more interesting than cutnodes. nothing beats nullmove simply and when used in combination with nullmove you do a kind of supernullmove.
Of course when you sacrafice a piece in order to get it deeper back in the tree, multicut in combination with nullmove is going to fail, to give a trivial example.
Nullmove with bigger R already isn't going to fail there.
p.s. hoped i replied in correct way, does not show up as a 'reply' to that multicut thread.