Moderator: Andres Valverde
Tord wrote:This xboard version uses FEN strings and move encodings of the form described by Stefan Meyer Kahlen
Reinhard Scharnagl wrote:It seems necessary to state, that Shredder's FEN extension would lead to contradicting representations of identic positions.
F.Huber wrote:your defamation campain
Alessandro Scotti wrote:Hi Tord,
thanks for this great job!
When you don't plan to work on it for a while (meaning the code will stay free of changes) I can try adding the missing features... BTW what could be used for testing?
I think it would also be quite easy to modify most FRC capable Winboard engines (like The Baron or Frenzee) to work in my FRC xboard. The only things that would need to be changed are the encoding of castling moves ("e1h1" instead of "e1g1" or "O-O") and the setboard command. Whether the authors are interested in doing these changes is of course a different question.
FischerRandom castling: O-O, O-O-O (oh, not zero)
Richard Pijl wrote:Perhaps you've missed it, but in the winboard specification it says that FRC castling is to be specified with O-O and O-O-O. Or did you have a reason to deviate from that?
Richard Pijl wrote:Perhaps you've missed it, but in the winboard specification it says that FRC castling is to be specified with O-O and O-O-O. Or did you have a reason to deviate from that?
Tord Romstad wrote:When I (or Fabien) have finished adding FRC support to PolyGlot, it should be possible to use UCI engines with SMK's new UCI extensions in xboard/Winboard.
Can (public) WinBoard move the king+rook "correctly" (Chess960 rules) on its own, including when a "self capture" is involved?
Fabien Letouzey wrote:Hi all,
There is also a 960-only version of PolyGlot which is compatible with Tord's XBoard/WinBoard-FRC.
Unix users (e.g. Linux, Mac OS X) should ask Tord for the source code.
Please note both XBoard-FRC and PolyGlot-960 are of course in ultra-alpha stage.
They could be useful for a couple of authors prepating for Mainz though ...
Tord Romstad wrote:PolyGlot-960 can now be downloaded here.
milix wrote:I also made some mods in xboard 4.2.7 to add support for FRC. My mods can be downloaded here
Fabien Letouzey wrote:...
I suggest we agree on a single XBoard version. Maybe we should discuss it in this thread?
After that, I will adapt PolyGlot-960 to whathever has been decided. That way you will be able to use Glaurung FRC for testing.
Creating: FRCEngine (++++) DevilBoy (++++) unrated wild/fr 2 12
{Game 206 (FRCEngine vs. DevilBoy) Creating unrated wild/fr match.}
Parsing board: rqbbnkrn pppppppp -------- -------- -------- -------- PPPPPPPP RQBBNKRN W -1 1 1 1 1 0 206 FRCEngine DevilBoy 1 2 12 39 39 120000 120000 1 none (0:00.000) none 0 0 0
recognized 'ICS unrated wild/fr match' (-1) as variant fischerandom
Remembered ratings: W 0, B 0
68329 >first : variant fischerandom
68329 >first : force
68329 >first : setboard rqbbnkrn/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RQBBNKRN w GAga - 0 1
68329 >first : level 0 2 12
68329 >first : name DevilBoy
68329 >first : rating 0 0
68329 >first : time 12000
otim 12000
68329 >first : go
68330 <first : Error (unknown command): variant fischerandom
fics% 75594 <first : move f1g1
xboard-960: Internal error; bad moveType 5 (5,0-6,0)
>ICS: say Internal error; bad moveType 5 (5,0-6,0)
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