Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Marcus Prewarski at 22 January 2003 07:40:30:
I wanted to announce the first version of a chess engine I wrote called DrunkenMaster.
It is not a very strong engine yet but I hope to improve it a lot, right now it often plays like it is drunk. It seems stable right now, it has played dozens of games against other winboard engines and against humans as a guest on ICC without problem. It comes with a tiny opening book of about 100 positions.
To give an example of it's strength, I played it against a few other weaker engines in some 5 minute for 40 move games. My system is a 500Mhz P3.
Opponent: Result:
tscp1.73 0-2
StAndersen1.31 1-1
Nero5.1 2-0
-Marcus Prewarski