Chezzz 1.0.3 released and books tweaked

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Chezzz 1.0.3 released and books tweaked

Postby David Rasmussen » 20 Feb 2003, 01:01

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: David Rasmussen at 20 February 2003 01:01:18:
David Rasmussen

Re: Chezzz 1.0.3 released and books tweaked

Postby Odd Gunnar Malin » 20 Feb 2003, 12:08

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Odd Gunnar Malin at 20 February 2003 12:08:26:
Als Antwort auf: / In reply to: Chezzz 1.0.3 released and books tweaked geschrieben von: / posted by: David Rasmussen at 20 February 2003 01:01:18:
I did a quick test on this and it worked in console mode with a few exceptions
The 'nopost' command didn't seem to work. Do you have another command for this? If you are playing a 'real' game you don't want to see your opponents thought.
When promoting you need a '+' symbol if this move also is a check (h8=Q+).
settboard need an additional space in this line:
setboard k7/7P/8/8/8/8/8/K7 w - -
Odd Gunnar
Odd Gunnar Malin


Postby David Rasmussen » 20 Feb 2003, 13:59

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: David Rasmussen at 20 February 2003 13:59:45:
Als Antwort auf: / In reply to: Re: Chezzz 1.0.3 released and books tweaked geschrieben von: / posted by: Odd Gunnar Malin at 20 February 2003 12:08:26:
I did a quick test on this and it worked in console mode with a few exceptions
The 'nopost' command didn't seem to work. Do you have another command for this?
If you are playing a 'real' game you don't want to see your opponents thought.
When promoting you need a '+' symbol if this move also is a check (h8=Q+).
settboard need an additional space in this line:
setboard k7/7P/8/8/8/8/8/K7 w - -
What did you test, exactly?
Nopost is a xboard command, and works only when in xboard mode, that is, after having recieved "xboard". I can easily make it work in console mode too, if you want. I primarily use console mode for debugging purposes. When Chezzz is actually playing a game, it is always through a GUI.
On the other hand, I did put some effort into input (commands) and output (for example during search) in console mode. All of these commands are not documented yet in the readme.txt . "!" or "d" or "display" displays the board, for example.
You can do statlimit x where x is in centiseconds, to have output only come out after x centiseconds during search. If you set this to a high value, you wont see anything during thinking.
Please let me know what console features you would like.
You're talking about SAN here, I guess. Chezzz _does_ put a '+' sign at check, so I don't understand what you mean. Can you post a position where this happens?
That's a "feature". Originally, I only accepted full FEN, with halfmove clock and fullmove clock. I will remove this "feature" soon :)
David Rasmussen


Postby Odd Gunnar Malin » 20 Feb 2003, 15:14

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Odd Gunnar Malin at 20 February 2003 15:14:47:
Als Antwort auf: / In reply to: Re: GENS UNA SUMUS geschrieben von: / posted by: David Rasmussen at 20 February 2003 13:59:45:
I did a quick test on this and it worked in console mode with a few exceptions
The 'nopost' command didn't seem to work. Do you have another command for this?
If you are playing a 'real' game you don't want to see your opponents thought.
When promoting you need a '+' symbol if this move also is a check (h8=Q+).
settboard need an additional space in this line:
setboard k7/7P/8/8/8/8/8/K7 w - -
What did you test, exactly?
Nopost is a xboard command, and works only when in xboard mode, that is, after having recieved "xboard". I can easily make it work in console mode too, if you want. I primarily use console mode for debugging purposes. When Chezzz is actually playing a game, it is always through a GUI.
On the other hand, I did put some effort into input (commands) and output (for example during search) in console mode. All of these commands are not documented yet in the readme.txt . "!" or "d" or "display" displays the board, for example.
You can do statlimit x where x is in centiseconds, to have output only come out after x centiseconds during search. If you set this to a high value, you wont see anything during thinking.
Please let me know what console features you would like.
You're talking about SAN here, I guess. Chezzz _does_ put a '+' sign at check, so I don't understand what you mean. Can you post a position where this happens?
That's a "feature". Originally, I only accepted full FEN, with halfmove clock and fullmove clock. I will remove this "feature" soon :)
Why on earth am I playing in console mode?
Well, in my house I have many PC's in different rooms connected in a network.
When I want to play a game with a longer timecontrol against a winboard-engine I usually play it on an old PC with a real chessboard in front of me and call up a faster machine with a telnet connection. This other machine have ready to use setup/ini files for all engines and special book-files for some of them.
When playing on a real board you don't need all this whistles from a gui so I prefere this.
Also when analyzing, I sometimes connect to different PC's via telnet to start an engine so that the working PC is keept with good response to receive my written comments.
(When I really feel for it, I install the engine in CP and play the game with the DGT-board, I have a laptop for this purpose).
Ok, I didn't try this. This is good enough.
On a sidenote: I was keeping separate sets of commands in my engine for console mode and xboard mode but have leaved this approx because it gave unnecessary harder methods to implement the engine in all sort's of GUI that I haven't been testing.
Keep track of the clock with printing out time reminding after each move. I use a normal chess-clock when playing, so this is only for control. But you don't need to make too much work in this because to expect the engine to never lose on time is good enough in human-comp games.
Yes, I was in a hurry when I wrote/tested your engine so I didn't have time to check up the setboard command. Usually people get their fen string from an epd-file and not a fen-file.
For move input, here is what I do in my ingine:
1. Uniform castle
2. remove all 'non' move character (keep:abcdefgh12345678NBRQKO)
3. check if resulting string >= 2
3. Special castle move
4. Read first char to set the piece if it is a piece character.
5. Read last character to get a promotion piece.
6. Read backwards one character at a time and set the to/from row/file.
7. Optional: If (piece missing in 4 and fromsquare not set) move=illegal
8. Generate a movelist for current board.
9. Check for matches for the move in the movelist.
10. If (matching==1) move=legal.
This way I have the same routine for SAN,LAN,FIDE and coordinate systems pluss missing 'x', '+', '#' or added '!', '?' etc.
The only move I don't handle is the extra 'ep' in the FIDE notation. (So i will add this now in point 2 so this is removed too :) ).
Odd Gunnar
Odd Gunnar Malin

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