Geschrieben von: / Posted by: David Rasmussen at 20 February 2003 01:01:18:
What did you test, exactly?Hi.
I did a quick test on this and it worked in console mode with a few exceptions
The 'nopost' command didn't seem to work. Do you have another command for this?
If you are playing a 'real' game you don't want to see your opponents thought.
When promoting you need a '+' symbol if this move also is a check (h8=Q+).
settboard need an additional space in this line:
setboard k7/7P/8/8/8/8/8/K7 w - -
Why on earth am I playing in console mode?What did you test, exactly?Hi.
I did a quick test on this and it worked in console mode with a few exceptions
The 'nopost' command didn't seem to work. Do you have another command for this?
If you are playing a 'real' game you don't want to see your opponents thought.
When promoting you need a '+' symbol if this move also is a check (h8=Q+).
settboard need an additional space in this line:
setboard k7/7P/8/8/8/8/8/K7 w - -
Nopost is a xboard command, and works only when in xboard mode, that is, after having recieved "xboard". I can easily make it work in console mode too, if you want. I primarily use console mode for debugging purposes. When Chezzz is actually playing a game, it is always through a GUI.
On the other hand, I did put some effort into input (commands) and output (for example during search) in console mode. All of these commands are not documented yet in the readme.txt . "!" or "d" or "display" displays the board, for example.
You can do statlimit x where x is in centiseconds, to have output only come out after x centiseconds during search. If you set this to a high value, you wont see anything during thinking.
Please let me know what console features you would like.
You're talking about SAN here, I guess. Chezzz _does_ put a '+' sign at check, so I don't understand what you mean. Can you post a position where this happens?
That's a "feature". Originally, I only accepted full FEN, with halfmove clock and fullmove clock. I will remove this "feature" soon
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