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Postby Andy » 27 Feb 2003, 20:54

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Andy at 27 February 2003 20:54:45:

Just a little thought.Have you checked your tablebase files for errors.I noticed some programs would run and some not if a file became corrupt.I had this problem with crafty until I ran md5summer and corrected the problem.Even a different version of crafty ran(19.01)BUT NOT 19.03.I am impressed with 19.03and feel it is quite a bit stronger than 19.01.I thought winboard was the greatest thing since sliced bread and still feel it is a tremendous offering but since I started using Arena I have been converted.Thanks to People like Tim and Martin and Pro Hyatt and Dieter and many others Chess has become a fun passion once again.Well Gunther I hope this helped a little.

Re: chezzz

Postby Günther Simon » 27 Feb 2003, 21:30

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Günther Simon at 27 February 2003 21:30:50:
Als Antwort auf: / In reply to: chezzz geschrieben von: / posted by: Andy at 27 February 2003 20:54:45:
Just a little thought.Have you checked your tablebase files for errors.I >noticed some programs would run and some not if a file became corrupt.I had >this problem with crafty until I ran md5summer and corrected the problem
since I started using Arena I have been converted.
Even better and much faster is the usage of the great program WILHELM
which checks all tablebases for integrity. I give the link below.
My tablebases are all correct and I even get the message that Chezzz 1.03 found
them and provides the memory for decompression - _but_ it does not use them here :( (Chezzz 1.02 does!)
Arena will be a really good GUI but right now I miss some functions
which I can have using some extra tools for Winboard like WBTM and
moreover it does not need much CPU ressources - its all what I need
now for _pure_ testing.
I hope you still have Winboard installed for checking this problem ;)
Best regards,
Günther Simon

Re: chezzz (SOLVED)

Postby David Rasmussen » 27 Feb 2003, 22:15

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: David Rasmussen at 27 February 2003 22:15:01:
Als Antwort auf: / In reply to: chezzz geschrieben von: / posted by: Andy at 27 February 2003 20:54:45:

I think I found the problem. In Günther's original post, I can see that he does not have an "egtb cache" line in his chezzz.cfg. With no egtb cache line, Chezzz uses 0 bytes for EGTB caching. While this is a bad idea (it's slooow), it should work. But it doesn't. I don't know why, I just pass these values on to Eugene Nalimovs function for setting the cache. He indicates that any value will work, and that 0 just means no caching. So it should work, but just be slower.
I will look more into why it doesn't work without caching, but for now: just put an "egtb cache" line in your chezzz.cfg, and it works. It should be there anyway in any reasonable setup.
David Rasmussen

Re: chezzz (SOLVED)

Postby Günther Simon » 27 Feb 2003, 22:34

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Günther Simon at 27 February 2003 22:34:04:
Als Antwort auf: / In reply to: Re: chezzz (SOLVED) geschrieben von: / posted by: David Rasmussen at 27 February 2003 22:15:01:
I think I found the problem. In Günther's original post, I can see that he does not have an "egtb cache" line in his chezzz.cfg. With no egtb cache line, Chezzz uses 0 bytes for EGTB caching. While this is a bad idea (it's slooow), it should work. But it doesn't. I don't know why, I just pass these values on to Eugene Nalimovs function for setting the cache. He indicates that any value will work, and that 0 just means no caching. So it should work, but just be slower.
I will look more into why it doesn't work without caching, but for now: just put an "egtb cache" line in your chezzz.cfg, and it works. It should be there anyway in any reasonable setup.
Hehehehe that was it! I set 4MB EGTB cache now and all works fine :)
(the previous setup was before your sample file - I should have looked
again to your site)
I still wonder then how Chezzz 1.02 managed the EGTBs without cache (:
At least I can sleep well now.
Best regards,
Günther Simon

Re: chezzz (SOLVED)

Postby David Rasmussen » 27 Feb 2003, 22:52

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: David Rasmussen at 27 February 2003 22:52:41:
Als Antwort auf: / In reply to: Re: chezzz (SOLVED) geschrieben von: / posted by: Günther Simon at 27 February 2003 22:34:04:
Hehehehe that was it! I set 4MB EGTB cache now and all works fine :)
(the previous setup was before your sample file - I should have looked
again to your site)
I still wonder then how Chezzz 1.02 managed the EGTBs without cache (:
At least I can sleep well now.
I've done some testing, and I've found that when probing for the result of the position I posted earlier (6k1/8/7P/5B2/3K4/8/8/8 w - - 0 118), it only works if the EGTB cache is >= 8260 bytes = 8k + 68 bytes. I don't know why this is, but for this, _only_ Eugene Nalimovs code is in play, so I doubt very much that it is a Chezzz problem. Other people could try with their engines. Set the EGTB cache to something < 8260, load the above position and see if your probes are successful.
It means, though, that I will make a lower limit on how small an EGTB cache can be used in Chezzz. Also, I will probably do what I do for hashing, that if people don't explicitly setup an EGTB cache, I will setup one of standard size (say, 8M), instead of 0.
1.0.2 had a fixed EGTB cache of 16M if I remember correctly.
Good :)
David Rasmussen

Re: You really mean that chess is solved? (n/t)

Postby Peter Fendrich » 27 Feb 2003, 23:07

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Peter Fendrich at 27 February 2003 23:07:12:
Als Antwort auf: / In reply to: Re: chezzz (SOLVED) geschrieben von: / posted by: David Rasmussen at 27 February 2003 22:15:01:
I think I found the problem. In Günther's original post, I can see that he does not have an "egtb cache" line in his chezzz.cfg. With no egtb cache line, Chezzz uses 0 bytes for EGTB caching. While this is a bad idea (it's slooow), it should work. But it doesn't. I don't know why, I just pass these values on to Eugene Nalimovs function for setting the cache. He indicates that any value will work, and that 0 just means no caching. So it should work, but just be slower.
I will look more into why it doesn't work without caching, but for now: just put an "egtb cache" line in your chezzz.cfg, and it works. It should be there anyway in any reasonable setup.
Peter Fendrich

Re: chezzz (SOLVED)

Postby mike schoonover » 28 Feb 2003, 01:48

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: mike schoonover at 28 February 2003 01:48:39:
Als Antwort auf: / In reply to: Re: chezzz (SOLVED) geschrieben von: / posted by: David Rasmussen at 27 February 2003 22:15:01:

dear david,
after i entered my changes to the ini file all hash and tb settings were
recignized in console mode.
mike schoonover

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