milix wrote:Hi all. I noticed this in my program: during a bullet game (1 min) in a slow hardware against a friend, AICE reached the following position:
[diag]r1bqkbnr/1p1p1ppp/p3p3/2p5/B2nP3/2N2N2/PPPP1PPP/R1BQK2R w KQkq - 0 6[/diag]
r1bqkbnr/1p1p1ppp/p3p3/2p5/B2nP3/2N2N2/PPPP1PPP/R1BQK2R w KQkq - 0 6
and here AICE did a 6-ply search and played 1. O-O which of course looses a piece. AICE's thinking was something like
1. O-O b5 2. Bb3 Nxf3 3. Qxf3 c4 4. e5, which is a 7-ply search due to the check extension in Nxf3. And then QS is called and sees no problem because of 4... cxb3 5. Qxa8 bxa2. Is this a bug or I missunterstood QS? If not, how you deal with such horizon problems?
Hi Milix,
Diep has hung piece code in its eval:
After o-o it sees at 5 ply it's losing a piece, though i also have to
debug a bit why the score is so little for diep's eval. probably too happy with passed pawns
00:00 150 6 0 (1) 1 (0,0) -1.925 Nd4xf3 Qd1xf3 (64)
00:00 275 11 0 (1) 1 (0,0) -1.299 Ng8-h6 Nf3xd4 (31) c5xd4 (31)
00:00 350 14 0 (1) 1 (0,0) -0.913 Bf8-d6
00:00 425 17 0 (1) 1 (0,0) -0.683 Ng8-f6
00:00 2200 88 0 (1) 2 (0,1) -1.622 Ng8-f6 d2-d3 (65)
++ d8-f6 procnr=0 terug=-1591 org=[-1622;-1621] newwindow=[-1622;520000]
00:00 6500 260 0 (1) 2 (0,1) -1.146 Qd8-f6 d2-d3 (65) Nd4xf3 (31) Qd1xf3 (31)
Qf6xf3 (31) g2xf3 (31)
++ b7-b5 procnr=0 terug=-762 org=[-1146;-1145] newwindow=[-1146;520000]
00:00 6166 370 0 (1) 2 (0,1) -0.762 b7-b5 Ba4-b3 (65) Nd4xb3 (31) a2xb3 (31)
00:00 12700 762 0 (1) 3 (0,2) 0.156 b7-b5 Ba4-b3 (66) Bc8-b7 (65)
00:00 21125 1690 0 (1) 4 (0,3) -0.435 b7-b5 Ba4-b3 (67) Bc8-b7 (66) d2-d3 (65)
00:00 44841 5381 0 (1) 5 (0,4) 0.245 b7-b5 Nf3xd4 (68) c5xd4 (67) Nc3xb5 (66) a
6xb5 (65) Ba4xb5 (31)
00:00 61600 8624 0 (1) 6 (0,5) 0.245 b7-b5 Nf3xd4 (69) c5xd4 (68) Nc3xb5 (67) a
6xb5 (66) Ba4xb5 (65)
++ d4-f3 procnr=0 terug=246 org=[245;246] newwindow=[245;520000]
00:00 63952 14709 0 (1) 6 (0,5) 0.317 Nd4xf3 Qd1xf3 (69) b7-b5 (69) Ba4-b3 (68)
c5-c4 (67) d2-d3 (66) c4xb3 (65) a2xb3 (31)
00:00 74300 25262 0 (1) 7 (0,6) 0.120 Nd4xf3 Qd1xf3 (70) b7-b5 (70) Ba4-b3 (69)
c5-c4 (68) Bb3xc4 (67) b5xc4 (66) d2-d3 (65) c4xd3 (31) c2xd3 (31)
00:01 74919 92151 0 (1) 8 (0,7) 0.918 Nd4xf3 Qd1xf3 (71) b7-b5 (71) d2-d3 (70)
b5xa4 (69) e4-e5 (68) Ra8-a7 (67) Bc1-e3 (66) d7-d6 (65)
00:02 79683 168132 0 (1) 9 (0,8) 0.428 Nd4xf3 Qd1xf3 (72) b7-b5 (72) Ba4-b3 (71
) c5-c4 (70) d2-d3 (69) c4xb3 (68) a2xb3 (67) Bc8-b7 (66) Bc1-f4 (65)
00:12 74003 914683 0 (1) 10 (0,9) 0.908 Nd4xf3 Qd1xf3 (73) b7-b5 (73) Nc3xb5 (7
2) a6xb5 (71) Ba4xb5 (70) Bc8-b7 (69) d2-d4 (68) Ng8-f6 (67) Bc1-g5 (66) Bf8-e7
++ b7-b5 procnr=0 terug=909 org=[908;909] newwindow=[908;520000]
00:23 74250 1759004 0 (1) 11 (0,10) 0.636 Nd4xf3 Qd1xf3 (74) b7-b5 (74) Nc3xb5
(73) a6xb5 (72) Ba4xb5 (71) Bc8-b7 (70) d2-d3 (69) Qd8-f6 (68) Qf3-g3 (67) Bf8-e
7 (66) a2-a4 (65)
++ b7-b5 procnr=0 terug=637 org=[636;637] newwindow=[636;520000]
00:33 74550 2528755 0 (1) 11 (0,10) 0.887 b7-b5 Ba4-b3 (74) Nd4xf3 (73) Qd1xf3
(72) c5-c4 (72) Bb3xc4 (71) b5xc4 (70) d2-d3 (69) Bc8-b7 (68) Bc1-f4 (67) Bf8-b4
(66) Qf3-g3 (65)
01:00 74636 4488658 0 (1) 12 (0,11) 1.081 b7-b5 Nf3xd4 (75) c5xd4 (74) Nc3xb5 (
73) Qd8-a5 (72) d2-d3 (71) a6xb5 (70) Ba4-b3 (69) Bc8-b7 (68) Bc1-f4 (67) Ng8-f6
(66) Qd1-f3 (65)
Now if i try a stupid beancounter:
finished 0 ply; nodes=27 time=0.01 nps=2700 score=0.-50
pvs=0 ab=0 q=27 futile=0
==> f8d6
finished 1 ply; nodes=120 time=0.01 nps=12000 score=0.150
pvs=1 ab=0 q=119 futile=3
==> f8d6 f1e1
finished 2 ply; nodes=395 time=0.01 nps=39500 score=0.065
pvs=3 ab=34 q=358 futile=28
==> f8d6 g1h1 d4f3
finished 3 ply; nodes=4488 time=0.01 nps=448800 score=0.-70
pvs=24 ab=355 q=4109 futile=2157
==> d8f6 a4b3 f8d6 f3d4
finished 4 ply; nodes=10196 time=0.01 nps=1019600 score=0.025
pvs=42 ab=1213 q=8941 futile=5348
==> f8e7 a4b3 g8f6 f3d4 c5d4
finished 5 ply; nodes=51189 time=0.03 nps=1706300 score=0.000
pvs=108 ab=5862 q=45219 futile=25218
==> b7b5 f3d4 c5d4 c3b5 a6b5 a4b5
finished 6 ply; nodes=253977 time=0.16 nps=1587356 score=1.815
pvs=298 ab=43126 q=210553 futile=187617
==> b7b5 a4b3 d7d5 e4d5 d4b3 a2b3 e6d5
finished 7 ply; nodes=748816 time=0.47 nps=1593225 score=0.000
pvs=435 ab=127147 q=621234 futile=602911
==> b7b5 a4b3 d4f3 d1f3 c5c4 e4e5 a8b8 c3e4 c4b3
finished 8 ply; nodes=809068 time=0.50 nps=1618136 score=2.025
pvs=508 ab=141529 q=667031 futile=645380
==> b7b5 a4b3 d4f3 d1f3 c5c4 e4e5 a8b8 c3e4 c4b3 c2b3
finished 9 ply; nodes=954420 time=0.59 nps=1617661 score=2.025
pvs=704 ab=173761 q=779955 futile=756390
==> b7b5 f3d4 c5d4 c3b5 a6b5 a4b5 a8a5 b5c4 d7d5 c4d3
finished 10 ply; nodes=1588009 time=0.94 nps=1689371 score=1.990
pvs=1207 ab=259349 q=1327453 futile=1059125
Hmm at 7 ply for some weird reason the score drops again,
perhaps some debugging needed there too
But well it gets 9 ply within 1 second, not even counting futile evaluated nodes which are also 1 million in total. Counting the futile evaluated nodes to the nps it would become 2.6 million / 0.94 seconds = 2.78 mln nps
This all single cpu k7 2.1Ghz in debug mode (diep in debug mode,
not the beancounter search).
So you see the real trick. Get a ply or 12-14