Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Tord Romstad at 17 October 2003 18:24:59:
Als Antwort auf: / In reply to: Re: New version of DrunkenMaster is available geschrieben von: / posted by: Marcus Prewarski at 16 October 2003 18:02:46:
Thanks for the kind words Tord.
I am fan of your engine Gothmog, for a few reasons. When I was first writing
DrunkenMaster I called it Smaug, and there are still a few places in the code
where the name Smaug lives.
Also I like your attempt for style of play. At some point I want to make >DrunkenMaster play a very aggressive attacking style but for now there are so
many other things to work on to make it stronger that are probably more >important.
And I see that you use 0x88, since most strong engines use Bit Boards it is
nice to see a good engine that use some 0x88 implementation.
Good luck with your engine.
Thanks for your kind words, too!

I have been thinking about changing the name of my engine, too (perhaps when
it has reached the stage where it feels stable enough to deserve a version
number of 1.0). The name "Gothmog" makes the engine sound much more terrifying
than it acutally is, and I should find a more modest name.
If improving strength is the main goal, I doubt that a very aggressive style
is a good idea. In fact I think the easiest way for me to improve Gothmog
would be to make it less aggressive and more materialistic (which I don't
want to do, at least not yet).
I am surprised that so many amateur engines use bitboards. They seem
much more difficult to implement than simple array-based data structures.
I wish you the same!
