DrunkenMaster 0.8

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DrunkenMaster 0.8

Postby Marcus Prewarski » 18 Dec 2003, 03:34

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Marcus Prewarski at 18 December 2003 03:34:07:

A new version DrunkenMaster 0.8 is available at www.geocities.com/prewarski
- added pondering
- worked on move ordering, I think it is better.
- fixed a bug where hash move wasn't always stored properly
- completely re-wrote the evaluation function.
- took out lazy eval.
What changes would users like to see in the future? An init file instead of setting paramaters like hash size from the command line? UCI support?
Marcus Prewarski

Re: DrunkenMaster 0.8

Postby Axel Schumacher » 18 Dec 2003, 04:06

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Axel Schumacher at 18 December 2003 04:06:23:
Als Antwort auf: / In reply to: DrunkenMaster 0.8 geschrieben von: / posted by: Marcus Prewarski at 18 December 2003 03:34:07:
A new version DrunkenMaster 0.8 is available at www.geocities.com/prewarski
- added pondering
- worked on move ordering, I think it is better.
- fixed a bug where hash move wasn't always stored properly
- completely re-wrote the evaluation function.
- took out lazy eval.
What changes would users like to see in the future? An init file instead of setting paramaters like hash size from the command line? UCI support?
UCI support would be great. Additional 500 Elo points too, I think that is no problem, isn't it? :-)
Axel Schumacher

Re: DrunkenMaster 0.8

Postby Volker Pittlik » 18 Dec 2003, 11:18

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Volker Pittlik at 18 December 2003 11:18:36:
Als Antwort auf: / In reply to: DrunkenMaster 0.8 geschrieben von: / posted by: Marcus Prewarski at 18 December 2003 03:34:07:

What changes would users like to see in the future? An init file instead of setting paramaters like hash size from the command line?
UCI support?
An init file would be nice. It's easier to use IMHO.
Not important for me.
Volker Pittlik

Re: DrunkenMaster 0.8

Postby Alex Schmidt » 18 Dec 2003, 20:17

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Alex Schmidt at 18 December 2003 20:17:14:
Als Antwort auf: / In reply to: DrunkenMaster 0.8 geschrieben von: / posted by: Marcus Prewarski at 18 December 2003 03:34:07:

Hello Marcus,
UCI support would be really nice! DM could fight with Simontacchi for the US-UCI-Championship

UCI Engines
Alex Schmidt

Re: DrunkenMaster 0.8

Postby Marcus Prewarski » 18 Dec 2003, 20:25

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Marcus Prewarski at 18 December 2003 20:25:52:
Als Antwort auf: / In reply to: Re: DrunkenMaster 0.8 geschrieben von: / posted by: Alex Schmidt at 18 December 2003 20:17:14:
Hello Marcus,
UCI support would be really nice! DM could fight with Simontacchi for the US-UCI-Championship
Thanks for your input and everyone else that replied. I think I will work on UCI for the next version, it would also be cool to run it under chessbase interfaces without a winboard/uci adapter.
I will also add an init file, although the only configurable parameter right now is the hash table size.
I'm planning on making a Linux build of this version, I know at least one person interested in that. Hopefully I will have this in the next day or so.
Any other suggestions are welcome.
My main focus is making it play better chess and I have a lot of ideas to try, but probably won't start working on it again until the new year.
Marcus Prewarski

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