How to use the UCI2WB adapter

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How to use the UCI2WB adapter

Postby Telmo Escobar Sergio Mart » 09 Feb 2004, 20:10

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Telmo Escobar Sergio Martinez at 09 February 2004 20:10:27:

Do somebody know where could one find some detailed explanation (in English) about how to use the UCI-WB adapter? The zipfile has only German text help-files, and I still can't read German- imagine how narrow my weltanschauung must be...

Telmo Escobar Sergio Mart

?? I am Telmo Escobar, not "Telmo Escobar Sergio Martin

Postby ? Sergio Martinez » 09 Feb 2004, 20:12

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: ? Sergio Martinez at 09 February 2004 20:12:44:
Als Antwort auf: / In reply to: How to use the UCI2WB adapter geschrieben von: / posted by: Telmo Escobar Sergio Martinez at 09 February 2004 20:10:27:

? Sergio Martinez

f... my name is not "Sergio Martinez!!!

Postby I don't know who is Sergi » 09 Feb 2004, 20:14

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: I don't know who is Sergio Martinez at 09 February 2004 20:14:21:
Als Antwort auf: / In reply to: ?? I am Telmo Escobar, not "Telmo Escobar Sergio Martinez" geschrieben von: / posted by: ? Sergio Martinez at 09 February 2004 20:12:44:

I don't know who is Sergi

Re: I'll fix that soon

Postby [Admin] Volker Pittlik » 09 Feb 2004, 20:57

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: [Admin] Volker Pittlik at 09 February 2004 20:57:31:
Als Antwort auf: / In reply to: f... my name is not "Sergio Martinez!!! geschrieben von: / posted by: I don't know who is Sergio Martinez at 09 February 2004 20:14:21:

My fault, sorry to both.
[Admin] Volker Pittlik

Re: How to use the UCI2WB adapter

Postby Volker Pittlik » 10 Feb 2004, 00:45

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Volker Pittlik at 10 February 2004 00:45:09:
Als Antwort auf: / In reply to: How to use the UCI2WB adapter geschrieben von: / posted by: Telmo Escobar Sergio Martinez at 09 February 2004 20:10:27:

A quick answer quoted from a mail to make Shredder 7.04 + Bookthinker + uci2wb working. I'll put a more detailed explanation on the tournament page soon.
... This is how I did it:
1. Create a new folder. Mine is d:\chess\engines\shredder.
2. Copy the Shredder UCI engine into this folder and rename it to
3. Copy the bookthinker.exe coming with the GUI of the Thinker engine
also to this folder and rename it to Shredder-704.exe.
4. Copy the uci2wb.exe (adapter.exe) and the uci2wb.rc (adapter.rc)
to this folder and rename them to S.exe and s.rc.
5. Create a files.txt file and write down what you have renamed to
what .
6. Edit your winboard.ini. For my installation the correct line is:
"Shredder-704 S" /fd=d:\chess\engines\shredder
When starting the engine with winboard you will see Shredder-704 now
in the startup dialog. This will avoid confusion.
The above line is doing the following. Bookthinker will be started
and when it is out of book it will give the control to "S" what is
the uci2wb adapter.
7. Edit the file s.rc. Mine looks like this:
# Adapter Resource Control
# Exe-Name
# Directory
# Hashtable size in MB (*not* for UCI)
# Tablebase Path (*not* for UCI)
# tbpath=d:\program files\shredder5\tb
# Tablebase Cache in MB (*not* for UCI)
# Style: Aggressive, Active, Normal, Solid
# for DeepShredder
The Exe-Name is most important. Here the adapter is told what is the
name of the executable.
Don't forget to put that file (Thinker.dat) also in the Shredder folder."
I hope you get the idea. You will have to adjust the paths of course.
P.S.: Did you get your new password meanwhile?
Volker Pittlik

Thanks for the clear explanation, I'll try it as soon as pos

Postby at last Telmo Escobar » 10 Feb 2004, 02:17

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: at last Telmo Escobar at 10 February 2004 02:17:17:
Als Antwort auf: / In reply to: Re: How to use the UCI2WB adapter geschrieben von: / posted by: Volker Pittlik at 10 February 2004 00:45:09:

at last Telmo Escobar

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