Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Martin Giepmans at 27 September 2004 00:25:07:
I plan to release my Delphi engine SpiderChess as a winboard engine in the near future and I'm now working on the winboard protocol (it was incomplete till now, just enough to play games on ICS).
Last week Guenther Simon encountered a problem: when Spider plays another engine in winboard on one (single processor) pc that uses Windows XP something goes wrong if both engines have pondering on. Among other things:
- The other engine gets no processor time for pondering when it's Spiders turn.
- When Spider ponders it reacts very slow to input of the other engine. Till now it has as far as I know never been able to finish a game, it always loses on time.
The odd thing is that everything is okay on machines that run Windows ME or 98. And on an XP machine there is no problem when pondering is off.
Spider uses a thread that polls input.
I have no idea what the cause of the problem is. Does anybody know what is going on here?
I can of course simply tell users that they should leave pondering off when playing another engine on a single processor XP machine, that is probably better anyway.
But I don't like the idea of having "known issues" in the helpfile of my program.
Thanks in advance,
Martin Giepmans