Olivier Deville wrote:F. Bluemers wrote:The dust moved forward & the dust moved back.
New Broom.
The dust ends up in a brown paper sack.
New Broom.
Progress is made but progress is slow.
more polyglot 1.4w fixes
Olivier and Leo reported problems with Timea and Learning Lemming.
I don't have those (they are private) but "fortunatly" i noticed Madeleine had the same problems too
and could use that to test,find and fix the old broom.
The bugs show up for engines that need the "SyncStop" fix for pondering.
Also added "Affinity" option,to tie the engine to 1 or more cpu's of your choice.(ok,so its freaky
Great job Fonzy !
I can confirm LL and Timea are happy now
good to hear that,Olivier
I just uploaded version 1.4w6
It enables uci-engines to offer draws and accept them from winboard.
1:to activate draw offers the engine has to define the "UCI_DrawOffers" parameter with the 'option" command at startup.
2:to offer a draw or accept a draw offer:just send
"info string DrawOffer" to polyglot.
3:if winboard sends "draw" polyglot sends
"setoption DrawOffer draw" to the engine.
It might look ugly using messages as well as a parameter,but it won't introduce any extra traffic.
I only tested this very lightly so,please report bugs if they creep up